If you could describe Beyonce in an emoji, what would it be? You no longer have to wonder, thanks to Pandora’s new custom emoji program, which it has set up together with Twitter for the streaming platform’s new Sounds Like You campaign. Now, you can tweet any emoji to Pandora Music’s Twitter account with the #Soundslike hashtag and get a music suggestion.
The way it works is you tweet to @pandoramusic with the hashtag #soundslike and any emoji, and an automated response from Pandora Music’s twitter account will appear on your timeline. The response will be a link to a station Pandora believes fits the emoji perfect.
A number of the suggestions are pretty straightforward interpretations of emojis. If you tweet the laughing in tears emoji to the Pandora Music twitter account with the #soundslike hashtag, you will be directed to a comedy station. If you tweet the sleeping emoji, you will be directed to a station full of chill tunes. There are 1,300 custom, automated responses set up by Twitter, but the company may also decide to send a custom tweet.
Then there are the suggestions Pandora’s Twitter account makes that show that Pandora’s automated responses find the emotion in the emoji. Tweet the middle finger emoji with the #soundslike hashtag and you will be directed to Big Sean’s station, but not before Pandora references his I Don’t F*ck With You hit single in the automated tweet. If you tweet the bee emoji with the #soundslike hashtag, you will get a station dedicated to Beyonce, who is commonly referred to as Queen B.
Pandora did not specify how long you will be able to tweet emojis to its Pandora Music account on Twitter and get automated responses. For all we know, we may all be speaking to each other in emojis in the future, and this Pandora could be the emoji communication training you did not know you needed.