Why do laundry if you … don’t have to do laundry. That may well be the question you ask yourself once you claim ownership of the Tersa Steam, heralded as the “10-minute clothing care system.” Designed to take the pain out of the laundry process, Tersa employs a 10-minute, chemical-free cycle to de-wrinkle, deodorize, and generally make presentable your favorite garments. So if you hate washing, ironing, or sending clothes out for dry cleaning, this may be the solution you’ve been looking for.
“We wanted a fast, sustainable and user-friendly supplement to traditional textile care,” the Tersa team explained on its Indiegogo campaign page. “Tersa Steam offers a quick 10-minute cycle that utilizes all-natural distilled water and plant materials to freshen nearly any garment.”
The Tersa works using a Keurig-esque system of pods, all of which contain distilled waters and all-natural extracts to refresh your clothes. There are no chemicals in any of these recyclable pods, so you don’t have to worry about killing the planet just to keep your clothes clean. The scent pods claim to use just three ounces of water every cycle, too, which means that you’re helping to conserve the environment in just about every way possible.
Using the Tersa Steam is about as easy as hanging up your clothes. Simply place your garment on the provided hanger, insert your scent pod, and press go. 10 minutes later, you’ll have a freshly pressed and steamed article of clothing. The steaming machine itself is sleek and elegant, and ought to integrate well into just about any decor. When you’re not using it to clean your clothes, the Tersa looks like a hanging wall mirror (so you can also check out just how great you look in your newly laundered shirt or dress).
The team is also working on a mobile app that will allow you to control and monitor your laundry cycle from afar, and there are sure to be further innovations in the pipeline.
You can pre-order a Tersa Steam now from Indiegogo for the early bird price of $300, which is 25 percent off the MSRP price of $400. Units are expected to ship in May 2018.