Boiling water and other liquids is already one of the easiest tasks any of us does in a kitchen, but it can be even easier. There is a device on the way that monitors your pot for you so that you don’t have to hover around your stove and repeatedly check for bubbles. Called BoilingBeeper, the small gadget is designed to float inside the pot with the liquid you’re bringing to a boil and alert you with a series of beeps when the necessary temperature has been reached.
As simple as it sounds, the device also seems extremely useful. Since it takes different lengths of time to boil, few of us know exactly how long the process will take. With BoilingBeeper, you don’t have to know; you just need to listen. That frees up your attention to work on other tasks uninterrupted, or to relax while you wait.
Anders Freund, BoilingBeeper marketing communication manager, said that the idea stems from his college days, when he and his roommate thought it was strange that other appliances beeped when they were done, but there was nothing to help with boiling. He is not the only one to find the lack of an alert system “silly.” A common response the company has been getting, Freund says, is, “Why hasn’t this been invented before?” In particular, he finds that busy parents who are “constantly juggling multiple tasks at home every day” are the people most excited about the product.
“BoilingBeeper makes people’s lives easier by taking one less uncertainty out of the kitchen,” Freund told Digital Trends. “Just like your microwave beeps when it’s done or when your oven beeps when it is preheated, BoilingBeeper beeps when your water has come to a boil.”
In addition to simplifying cooking, BoilingBeeper is easy to use. It turns on and off automatically when placed in or removed from water substances thanks to a water-activated sensor. Made from Food and Drug Administration-approved materials, the battery-powered device lasts for more than 1,000 uses.
BoilingBeeper is on sale through the company’s website and the device is also available for purchase through Kickstarter. The gadgets can be purchased individually for as little as $12 and will start shipping in January.