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How to get a horse in Diablo 4

Being called a Wanderer in Diablo 4 is extremely appropriate. You will be traveling all across the massive map to complete quests, enter dungeons, and just generally explore the region. Your character can run at a decent pace, but it won't be long until you've expanded the edges of your map so far that even the helpful fast-travel points won't be enough to get you where you want to be fast enough. For that, a mount comes in handy. You'll find a stable in the opening hours of the game, but it will take a lot longer than that before you can actually mount up yourself. Here's everything you need to do in order to get a mount in Diablo 4.



What You Need

  • Reach Act 2

  • Complete the Mount: Donan's Favor quest

How to get a mount

Even though you will reach your first stable once you arrive in Kyovashad, interacting with it will inform you that you can't actually purchase a horse. First, you need to do quite a bit of adventuring on foot.

Step 1: Progress through the main story quests until you get to Act 2.

A horse in a stable in Diablo 4.
Activision Blizzard

Step 2: During this Act, complete the Mount: Donan's Favor quest you can get in Eldhaime Keep in Scosglen.

Step 3: After completing the quest, visit a stable at any town and speak to the owner.

Step 4: Purchase the horse of your choice and any bardings or trophies you wish to decorate them.

Once you have a horse, you can call your mount by pressing right on the d-pad or Z on your keyboard to ride to your destination that much faster!

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Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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