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Buying a GTX 970 or AMD 390? Both are now available with free games.

nvidia and amd hardware game bundles hitman reboot 2016
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If you are in the market for a new graphics card and want a new game or two to test it out with, you’re in luck! Whether you’re a fanboy for AMD or Nvidia or somewhere in between, there’s free games to be had with new graphics cards. AMD is giving away Hitman with select GPUs and Nvidia is giving out free copies of The Division.

To get your hands on the first act in Hitman’s new episodic-series release and a look-in at the beta with its very own story elements, you need to purchase one of AMD’s R9 390 or 390X graphics cards, or one of its AMD FX CPUs. The promotion began late yesterday and will run through April 30, so you have plenty of time to take AMD up on the deal, with voucher codes given out with the hardware redeemable until the end of June (thanks Hexus).

Of course Hitman doesn’t release until March 11, so you will have a couple of weeks to wait before you can play the full game, but the beta starts this Friday, February 19 and runs until February 22.

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For Nvidia fans or those looking to check out the upcoming Tom Clancy’s The Division, there’s a deal to be had there, too. To qualify you need to purchase either a GTX 970, 980, or 980 Ti graphics card or a laptop with an equipped GTX 980, 980M, or 970M GPU on board.

Better yet, The Division is releasing on March 11 too, so you can get to playing something fairly soon. The 970 also supports Nvidia’s Vulkan API, which it touts as being a low-level, high-performing platform for developers to utilize, much like AMD’s Mantle API.

Although Nvidia hasn’t released the date when this promotion will end, we do know it’s available now, and will also give access to The Division’s beta, which will run from February 19 to 21.

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