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Squarespace Courses: Empowering the next-generation of creative entrepreneurs

Squarespace Courses will allow entrepreneurs to create online learning solutions
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This content was produced in partnership with Squarespace.

It’s been clear from the very start that Squarespace was building and planning something truly special. If you don’t already know, you can build professional-quality and beautiful websites through the platform with a remarkably easy tool set. You don’t need any knowledge of web design or programming to get started, and you can have a site up in minutes. But thanks to how convenient it all is, it’s become something of a go-to platform for digital and online creation. Now, Squarespace is elevating its all-in-one platform even more, offering something new to the next generation of entrepreneurs and creatives, who want to build their brands and monetize their audience. It’s called Squarespace Courses, and like its website builder, the tool will allow customers to design and sell beautiful, multimedia courses to their customers.

Course designers will be able to create expansive programs across sequential lessons, using videos, and chapters, all while also offering progress tracking. As is customary for online courses, entrepreneurs can then create an overview of each course, set the prices for admission, and then allow potential students to preview content before making a purchase. Launching August 21st, 2023 this feature is simply not available through other easy-website-building platforms — it’s exclusive to Squarespace.

Why would you want to use Squarespace Courses?

Squarespace Courses, custom made lessons that can be monetized.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Any resourceful entrepreneur knows the next step in your evolution of business is to begin selling your knowledge either through books, podcasts, or online courses. That’s precisely what Squarespace Courses is designed to do. You can monetize your expertise by delivering rich, multimedia classes built out using video, written content, and much more. Most importantly, Squarespace’s new solution will give you all the tools you need to design and create. Courses will also help you promote, market, and sell that content to your customers and other potential audiences.

Thanks to built-in ecommerce functionality, brought in from Squarespace’s web-design solutions, you can charge for those courses you create, opting for either one-time fees or recurring subscriptions. Professional course creation services, marketing tools, and best-in-class and convenient multimedia solutions mean you can create the best courses imaginable and get them to your audiences easier than ever before.

Better yet, if you decide to use the premium design and branding options that Squarespace offers, your course content will automatically match the look and feel of your website and other web design properties. Of course, you can leverage beautiful course templates, so you’re not starting from scratch, with intuitive course navigation options for your audiences.

If you decide you don’t want to do it all yourself, Squarespace offers professional course creators (DIFMs) to help design and build profitable properties. These are experts in their field that know what it takes to captivate and educate audiences. Plus, Squarespace’s top-notch customer service options will provide you with in-product guidance, detailed help articles, and tips on best practices, and its customer support arm is always there to answer questions or when you need extra help.

Seize the moment: Become the face of your niche

Squarespace Courses template to kickstart your business.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of offering your own professional courses and monetizing your knowledge and experience, then now’s the perfect time to dive in and get started. With Squarespace Courses you can create rich, multimedia and educational content through videos, written media, and much more. It’s a fast and reliable way to deliver beautifully-designed online courses to your existing customers and audience without all of the traditional hassles. You get support with the tools, support creating the content, support matching the designs to your website and web properties, and even support from the Squarespace customer service team — if you ever end up stuck in a rut.

Flexible merchandising options allow you to package and sell the courses any way you want. You can sell each individually, for a one-time fee, offer a subscription, or even bundle it with other paywalled content, like existing video libraries or members-only content. There are no transaction fees, either.

Squarespace has now delivered an all-in-one platform that you can use to create a website and create content, accept payments, monitor audience analytics, market the entire brand or business, and much more. What are you waiting for? The sooner you get started the sooner you can grow your business — the dream business you’ve always wanted.

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