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RingCentral MVP is the VoIP service a growing business needs

RingCentral MVP in use on a laptop and smartphone.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

No matter how large, any business enterprise with more than one person needs a good way to manage communications and coordinate team projects. And let’s face it: Free apps are too barebones to meet the demands of today’s internet-connected workplaces. That’s why companies big and small turn to professional voice over IP services. There are a number of VoIP services out there today, but our favorite of the bunch might be RingCentral MVP, as it offers everything you need from a voice over IP system at a price that meets your business where it’s at. The tool is, hands down, exceptional for all team sizes, with useful integrations through platforms like Google Workspace, Slack, and more. Here’s what you need to know.

RingCentral MVP is an all-in-one cloud communications package. It covers video calls, phone calls, and text messaging (“MVP” stands for “message, video, phone”) as well as more complex internet applications. It tops our list of the best VoIP services owing to its large and flexible suite of features, intuitive software, simplicity of use, and competitive pricing model. It’s also easy to set up your VoIP with RingCentral, and the company is based in the U.S. — a major plus for both connectivity speeds as well as customer service for times when you need some assistance. Your network won’t stumble due to having to rely on remote servers on the other side of the globe, and when you need to reach someone for help, RingCentral offers 24/7 support.

Efficient team communication and workflow organization are vital for a business of any size, and that’s even more important in the age of online work. From phone calls to video conferencing, RingCentral MVP provides an all-in-one VoIP solution and one that lets you pay only for what you need. This is both more convenient and cost-effective than paying for a number of single phone or internet services separately, and it’s also a more full-featured and professional alternative to free (and often far too basic) online communication platforms.

VoIP effectively allows you to do all of your communications over high-speed internet rather than phone landlines or cellular data networks. That includes phone calls — it’s all done on the internet with RingCentral MVP — along with things like audio and video conferencing, team text messaging, cloud sharing, and more. Calls and text messaging are unlimited with all RingCentral MVP plans as well, so you don’t have to worry about minutes or SMS limits.

A RingCentral MVP VoIP video call in progress.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Those are the basics, but some more advanced features that you can get with RingCentral MVP include dedicated business phone numbers for you and your employees, automatic call recording, voicemail transcriptions, video conferences, and integration with popular workflow apps like Office 365, Google Workspace, and Slack, among others. RingCentral also supports integration with other popular eCommerce services like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Canvas, allowing for industry-specific web applications for businesses that need it, such as online stores.

The RingCentral MVP pricing model is competitive and flexible. Your plan is priced according to a sliding scale that lets you tailor it to the needs and size of your business. Prices range from $20 per user per month for the basic “Essentials” package which includes unlimited calls, texts, team communications, and document sharing for up to 20 users, to the $50 “Ultimate” plan which offers the full range of features and services that RingCentral MVP has to offer.

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Lucas Coll
Deals and News Writer
Lucas Coll has been a freelance writer for almost a decade and has penned articles on tech, video games, travel, cars, and…
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