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Filmora at VidCon 2023: YouTube Creators Embrace AI for Future Video Content

Filmora at VidCon 2023 entrance
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This content was produced in partnership with Wondershare.

Wondershare’s Filmora has shown everyone how it’s done at VidCon 2023, highlighting its unique AI-powered tools that elevate video content creation for everyone, not just the experts out there. But before we dig ourselves too deep, let’s backtrack a little.

I think most of us can agree we are in the age of artificial intelligence. Maybe it’s not taking over anytime soon, but there are dozens, if not hundreds of new tools available across a swath of industries. Of course, it shows some real promise in the world of creativity, allowing many of us to be more productive than ever. The world of video creation is no exception to that rule, and AI really stands out as a useful tool. Understandably, Wondershare Filmora have acted quickly to capture practical trends, by adding AI-powered tools to the video content creation suite. Filmora, as you may know, is an excellent video production and editing tool, that truly simplifies the entire process of video creation — and allows content creators to take their vision to the next level with unique alterations, effects, and toolsets.

Down the Filmora AI rabbit hole

In line with what we’re seeing all across the modern world, Filmora’s AI-powered tools and features have increased the productivity of video creators using the platform, making way for more innovative and varied creativity. For example, Filmora 12 integrates ChatGPT to offer a Swift Script Feature to content creators, but also to provide AI copywriting for published content. Videographers can use the functionality to help generate cohesive video scripts, chapter themes for series-based content, engaging titles, social media captions, video descriptions and so much more. That allows them to focus on what they love most, and ultimately, get back to creating amazing video content.

While Filmora’s team attended VidCon 2023, in Anaheim, California, from June 21 to June 24, the goal — as part of their Project Go Viral campaign — was to introduce their new AI solutions to a wider audience and help everyone understand how they can unlock your creative potential. By sponsoring a creative session between popular YouTubers, NichLmao and Jensen Tung, we learned precisely how skilled content creators use the technology in this new era of AI-powered video creations.

“Editing videos takes a lot of time. Once you have done better, you will want to put more efforts on it. There is no way of getting around it,” says NichLMao. “I tried Filmora’s AI tools a while ago. It’s really amazing to see how it can do something with a few clicks. For people who just started and don’t have that much time to spend on editing, Filmora really helps.”

VidCon 2023, YouTube Creators, and Filmora’s AI tools

Image used with permission by copyright holder

On everyone’s mind these days is the constant news cycle about new AI capabilities and tools, not unlike what Filmora is now offering to videographers and video content creators. There is a change in the air that’s almost palpable, not because AI will someday take over and reduce human creativity, but quite the opposite. In Filmora’s case, the AI tools handle most of the tedious work, allowing creators to focus on what’s truly important to them — the video content and creating in and of itself.

“I’m creating around 30 videos a month now. When you have spent 2 and half hours editing, those little tasks like writing titles and creating thumbnails become very challenging. It’s even more challenging when I create new videos every day. It’s amazing to see that Filmora’s tools can help with that. It definitely saves a lot of time.” Filmora’s AI tools are a valuable addition according to Nich, and his direct hands-on.

He goes on further to elaborate about the future of AI, as well. “I’m very optimistic about the AI trend. I think there will be a lot of tools that can help creators. We can take advantage of the tools like Filmora and utilize them to make our work better.”

Filmora’s AI can help create eye-catching thumbnails, aid with complex video editing tasks, like making cutouts, create copy and text to go along with video content and enhance audio for next-gen editing and splicing. By all rights, it makes the video content created with the toolset that much better. It’s powerful, reliable, and easy to use, so it’s accessible to everyone, even those just getting started in the YouTube circuit.

At VidCon 2023, the involved YouTubers, and the Filmora team, explained to all of us how to maximize the use of these new AI tools. It’s something that everyone should pay attention to, video experts or not because even if it’s not information that you can use in your day-to-day activities, it gives you an idea of where modern AI is headed.

Putting Filmora’s AI through its paces

Wondershare Filmora booth at VidCon 2023
Image used with permission by copyright holder

From enhancing the content being created to taking over challenging busywork like writing YouTube video descriptions or creating thumbnails, videographers can now leverage Filmora to do these things, quickly and effectively. That gives anyone using the tool a competitive edge but also elevates YouTube content beyond anything we’ve ever seen before. You can now create professional-quality video content, with high-fidelity production value, using just a simple set of Filmora features. How amazing is that?

VidCon 2023 allowed us to see how some of the major YouTube creators are utilizing the platform, but of course, if you’re more of a hands-on person, you can always do that yourself right now — there’s no need to wait.

Briley Kenney
Briley has been writing about consumer electronics and technology for over a decade. When he's not writing about deals for…
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