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How to change your Skype name

When Skype and other video-conferencing platforms arrived on our computers, phones, and tablets, another huge leap for tech was logged in the history books. Then we all started making usernames for these programs, and many of them were terrible. Fortunately, platforms like Skype are built from the ground up for personalization, which means you’ll be able to swap out that embarrassing Skype handle you cursed yourself with close to a decade ago.




5 minutes

What You Need

  • A Skype account

  • A Microsoft Account (alternative)

It’s not too difficult to change our Skype name, as all of the appropriate settings are found right in the software. We’ve also written up this guide to give you the classic step-by-step approach.

The account creation window for Microsoft Accounts.
screenshot / Digital Trends

Changing your Skype account name

When you first sign up for Skype, you are assigned an auto-generated account name, known as your Skype Name. First, the bad news: You can’t change this name. The Skype Name associated with your account is permanent from when you first started your account, and Skype won’t let you alter it at all.

But you can choose to create a new account entirely. In fact, creating a new account may actually be the best solution for some users, especially those who are starting to use Skype professionally or who may want a separate Skype account for business purposes. Here are several important steps to consider:

Step 1: Don’t delete your old account. In fact, you can’t delete your old Skype account without also deleting the Microsoft account that’s associated with it, which is usually something you want to avoid. Instead, look into creating a second Skype account. Skype allows this as long as you have a second Microsoft account to use.

Step 2: Begin by creating a new account for Skype. This is functionally the same as creating a new Microsoft account for yourself. If you already have a separate Microsoft business account, you should probably use this here. If not, you’ll need a second email address or phone to make a new account.

Step 3: Follow the steps for making this new account. Keep in mind, though: You still won’t get to choose your own Skype Name for this new account either. You’ll still have to just accept whatever account name is auto-generated by Skype. This name will at least be different than the one you had previously.

Since you’ve made a new account, make sure you use the right account at the right time. You made a professional account so you won’t have to be embarrassed by the name on your personal account.

You might not care about your account name. If that’s the case, you can easily change your display name without having to go through the above steps of creating a new account.

Changing your Skype display name

The display name is what other Skype users see beneath your profile picture. In many cases, this is the only thing users want to change, and it’s a whole lot easier than changing your account name. Here’s what to do.

Step 1: Open your Skype desktop app. Log into your desired account if you’re not already logged in. In the main window, click on your profile picture, which should be located in the top left corner of your screen.

Step 2: A menu will pop up. Under Manage, select the Skype Profile option.

Step 3: The next screen will show you your basic Skype profile information, including your display name. On this screen, and to the right of your display name, there should be a Pencil icon. Click on this icon to edit your display name.

Step 4: Type in your desired name. Once you’re happy with it, select the Checkmark icon to the right of your new display name to save and confirm your new name.

Who can see my Skype name?

By default, any Skype user can see your Skype name, Skype display name, your profile picture (which can be hidden), and the city, state, and country in which you reside.

When you’re creating your Skype profile, there a number of user info fields you’ll be able to leave blank. We recommend doing so if you don’t want anyone to know where you live.

Only your approved Skype contacts will be able to see things like presence status, phone number, and birthday.

Can someone find me on Skype with my email address?

When you’re creating a Microsoft Account (the umbrella Skype is housed under), you’ll be able to set your email address as your user alias. Unless you specify otherwise, anyone searching for your Skype account will be able to pull it up with your email.

That being said, you can go into your Skype account settings, and toggle on the Opt out of search function.

Are Skype ID and Skype name the same thing?

Yes indeed. The Skype name displayed on your user profile is also your Skype ID.

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