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How to leave a Discord server on PC, Mac, and mobile

There’s nothing like the community feel of immersive gameplay as experienced through a Discord server. There may come a time though when you’ve decided you need to remove yourself from a specific server. Perhaps you’re not a fan of how players are treating each other. Or maybe you’re not playing that particular game anymore.




5 minutes

What You Need

Whatever the reason may be, removing yourself from a Discord server is pretty easy, and we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to help you along the way.

How to leave a Discord server on PC, Mac, or web

Discord can be accessed through the app or web version on your Windows or Mac computer. Here are the instructions to remove yourself from a server:

Step 1: Launch Discord (app or web) and log in to your account.

Step 2: Select the server you want to leave from the sidebar on the left.

Server list on Discord.
Digital Trends

Step 3: Once the server page opens, select the server name at the top to reveal a drop-down menu and select Leave server.

Screenshot of server options on Discord.
Digital Trends

Step 4: A pop-up should appear confirming your action. Select Leave server once again to leave the server.

Screenshot of prompt asking to leave a server on Discord.
Digital Trends

How to leave a Discord server on mobile

The process to leave a server on Discord is the same on mobile. Here are the instructions to remove yourself from a server:

Step 1: Launch the Discord app on your smartphone and make sure you are logged in.

Step 2: Select the server you want to leave from the sidebar on the left.

Screenshot of how to leave a Discord server on mobile.
Digital Trends

Step 3: Once the server page opens, tap the Three dots on the top, next to the name of the server, to open the server options.

Step 4: Select Leave server from the menu.

Step 5: Confirm the same by selecting Leave server once again from the prompt.

If you are new to Discord, make sure you check out our various guides, including how to report someone, how to use text to speech, or our comprehensive Discord guide.

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Kunal Khullar
Kunal is a Computing writer contributing content around PC hardware, laptops, monitors, and more for Digital Trends. Having…
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