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Apex Legends dataminers discover upcoming characters and weapons

Apex Legendsroster of characters and inventory of weapons may soon expand, as dataminers have discovered code on upcoming content for the new Battle Royale shooter on the block.

Dataminers have discovered references in Apex Legends source code to what appear to be characters named Octane and Wattson, and weapons named Havoc Rifle and L-Star EMG.

Octane is believed to have an ability named Stim Pack, which is likely similar to Titanfall 2‘s Stim that provides a temporary boost to the pilot in the form of additional speed, shortened reload times, and doubled health regeneration. It is unclear if Octane’s Stim Pack ability is a personal one or if it can also be used on teammates.

Wattson, meanwhile, reportedly has an ability named Tesla Trap, which is likely an electric trap that will damage and/or ensnare enemies. The current Apex Legends roster only has Caustic utilizing traps, so Wattson’s ability may be a welcome addition to the game.

Dataminers have also discovered a list of names with no data linked to them – Crypto, Husaria, Jericho, Nomad, Prophet, Rampart, Rosie, and Skunner. These may be upcoming legends, but they may also be weapons.

Speaking of weapons, also found the two new weapons in Apex Legends code, as well as some of their stats. The Havoc Rifle will have a base ammo capacity of 25 energy bullets, which means that it will be an energy rifle, and it will deal 18 damage for shots to the body and 36 damage for shots to the head. The L-Star EMG, meanwhile, may be an energy machine gun, holding 60 bullets per clip and capable of dealing 21 damage for shots to the body and 42 damage for shots to the head.

However, as with any datamined code, the references do not mean that the arrival of the new legends and weapons is imminent, if they are indeed coming to Apex Legends. Gamers will have to wait for an official announcement from Respawn Entertainment to confirm Octane, Wattson, the Havoc Rifle, and the L-Star EMG.

Dataminers have also previously found code for new Apex Legends game modes that will allow players to go solo or play in teams of two.

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