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‘Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag’ offers a new world, and a clean slate

assassins creed 4 director ashraf ismail interview acga sp 99 caribbeansea defendblackbeard 1080p
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When Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag arrives on October 29, it will mark a significant shift for the series. The fresh story, time period and protagonist will give new players a chance to step in without having to wade through an increasingly complex and detailed mythology. The setting will shift from land to a new “naval sandbox presentation.” It will also challenge what most people assume to be the background of the series.

“Assassin’s Creed has never been about the feud between Templars and Assassins, it has never been good versus evil,” Ashraf Ismail, director of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag told us. “It has never been that.”

We kind of looked at the whole scene and were like ‘We have to do a pirate game.’

Although Black Flag is in no way a reset for the series, it represents a clean slate and a new direction for it. In games past, the Assassins were the clear heroes. From the very first game when the Templars laid siege to the Assassin headquarters in Masyaf, to the brutal treatment a young Ezio faced at the hands of Templars who killed his family, the feud between the two secret orders has been biased in its telling in favor of giving you a worthy set of bad guys to kill. But according to Ismail, that was never the goal, and in Black Flag, a more balanced approach will be just one of the changes we’ll see.

“It’s two different philosophies on life, and you could agree with one or the other; in this game we play it up a little more,” Ismail says. “We kind of advertise the fact that it’s not good versus evil, it’s just two different perspectives, and you could disagree with one or the other, that’s no problem.”

That might come as a surprise to gamers who witnessed the cruelty of the Borgias, the family of Templars that brutally controlled Rome, and the enemies of Ezio de Auditore in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. It’s more in line with the more nuanced Templar portrayal seen in Assassin’s Creed III though, and more importantly, it keeps with the sense that Black Flag is expanding the previous story, rather than just continuing it.

Charting a new course

Since it first debuted in 2007, the Assassin’s Creed franchise has gone on to sell more than 57 million games worldwide on multiple platforms, spawn comics, novels, and in 2015 will become a major motion picture starring Michael Fassbender. This year’s iteration was handled primarily by Ubisoft Montreal, but the series has become an important annual offering for Ubisoft. Eight studios located around the world, along with more than 900 people, helped to contribute to the making of the newest game.

Development on Black Flag began well over two years ago with next-gen consoles in mind. For Ubisoft, that meant it was the perfect time to take the series in a new direction. The five previous games all featured the continuing story thread of Desmond, the modern-day Assassin reliving the lives of his descendants. While we will see a few familiar faces reappear, the story of Black Flag is completely new.

Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Caribbean Sea Naval Battle
Image used with permission by copyright holder

“Desmond’s story ended in AC3, so we felt this was an opportunity to create a narrative that would bring new people into the brand,” Ismail said. “Even though we have ‘four’ in the title, it doesn’t mean you have to have known or to have played the previous games to understand what’s happening in the story.”

The game features protagonist Edward Kenway, a pirate living in the early 1700s at the tail end of the “Golden Age of Piracy,” when Blackbeard roamed the seas and Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas and a British colony, became a pirate stronghold. Unlike previous titles, Edward begins with little or no connection to either the Assassins or Templars, and has no stake in their centuries-old feud. He is an Englishman who has decided to head to the Caribbean and seek his fortune. That presents an opportunity for both the developers and potential players.

Desmond’s story ended in AC3, so we felt this was an opportunity to create a narrative that would bring new people into the brand.

“Edward is a guy who is learning about the feud [between the Assassins and Templars] fresh, as a new player would be,” Ismail explains. “Same in the present day. In the present day you’re playing this new employee. You’re working for a company called ‘Abstergo.’ As far as you know it’s a cool company, cool stuff. And then you start, eventually, looking behind the veil and seeing what is behind all of this and why you’re researching the life of Edward; and it has a meaning, it has a purpose.”

The Abstergo name should be familiar to anyone that has played the previous games as a front for the modern-day Templars. Similarly, Edward Kenway should be familiar to anyone who played the last Assassin’s Creed game – he’s the grandfather of AC3’s protagonist Connor.

According to Ismail though, the decision to continue telling the story of the Kenway lineage wasn’t meant to connect the last game and Black Flag. Ubisoft developed the Kenway lineage behind the scenes years ago, and the character of Edward was already in the Assassin’s Creed “Bible,” the book that outlines the history of the Assassin and Templar feud. Assassin’s Creed III did provide the inspiration for its successor, but it came from the gameplay not the story.

“We were seeing these tests with AC3, where it was the original prototypes of the naval [combat],” Ismail recalls. “People are loving them, and there’s a really good vibe around it.” Between that and an accessible character with a pirate background, everything fell in place. “We kind of looked at the whole scene and were like ‘We have to do a pirate game.’”

Ismail and his team went to Ubisoft’s upper management and presented their plan. It was immediately and enthusiastically accepted, and from then on development began in earnest.

For the next two years, the team worked on creating an Assassin’s Creed game with a twist – it was designed to be a “naval sandbox game.” Black Flag is set in the Caribbean, and features dozens of islands littered throughout the traversable seas. Some of those islands will be deserted, others contain anything ranging from treasure to a pirate settlement. There are still cities to explore in the form of Kingston, Nassau, Havana, and others, but the bulk of your time will be spent at sea. That’s why the game features the subtitle “Black Flag;” Ubisoft wanted to make sure people knew that it was a pirate game, even the pirate game.

“When we started, we thought ‘we need to make the biggest, most badass pirate game.’ We need to be the definition of what a pirate game should be,” Ismail recalls.

Edward’s sometimes misplaced moral compass also represents something of a first for the series. The previous assassins were all heroes in their own way. Their motivations could be questioned, but they generally acted for the betterment of all. Edward is a more complicated character.

“[Edward] is funny, but at the same time you see a selfishness that sometimes he regrets, and you see that regret, that he did something he shouldn’t have done. But he still did it, because he’s not quite sure who he is yet,” Ismail said. “So there’s this real human quality to Edward.”

Ashraf Ismail“The end of the game is literally him accepting his lot in life and kind of accepting responsibility for his actions. And I think, honestly, and I’m biased, it’s one of the best endings to any AC, because it’s really rounded. It’s a really beautiful moment. He accepts who he is in life.”

From the beginning, Ismail and his team worked with Sony and Microsoft to take full advantage of nex-gen hardware. But he promises the current-gen version is the best-looking AC game yet, and not far removed from the version coming for future consoles. “The pure content of the story, of the world, is the same. The seamlessness is the same. The missions are effectively the same,” he says.

Jumping into a series with a mythology that can claim 15 games on various platforms, five novels, and a continuing stream of comics can be daunting, to say the least. Black Flag will continue the story that began back in 2007, but it will also revamp it and streamline it for new players. It’s a new stage for the Assassin’s Creed series, and if early sneak peeks are any indication, a good time to jump in and start swinging.

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Ryan Fleming
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ryan Fleming is the Gaming and Cinema Editor for Digital Trends. He joined the DT staff in 2009 after spending time covering…
All Lost Book locations in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

After the massive worlds of the last three titles, it is nice to be back to a more intimate setting with Assassin's Creed Mirage. While not nearly as large as previous games, Baghdad is still dense with activities and collectibles to find. Among the loot and outfits are a special set of Lost Books hidden across the map. These are not only great to find for the rewards you can get, but also necessary if you want to fully complete each district in the game for the Explorer and Scholar trophies and achievements. Even with eagle vision at Basim's disposal, finding these Lost Books isn't going to be an easy task. Follow our lead and we will make sure you find all the Lost Book locations in Assassin's Creed Mirage undetected.
All Lost Book locations

There are technically seven Lost Books to find in Assassin's Creed Mirage, but only six are required for the quest tied to them. Collecting certain ones will give you a skill point as a reward, but not all. Turn them all in to Al-Jahiz to complete the quest. Note that some books can't be collected until you've gone far enough into the story to unlock the areas where they are hidden.
There are two books in this district to find.

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All Assassin’s Creed Mirage outfit locations
Basim showing off his hidden blade in front of the Bagdad cityscape.

A true assassin knows how to blend in with any crowd necessary to stalk their prey and remain undetected until the moment is right to strike. That is unless you're talking about Basim in Assassin's Creed Mirage, or any protagonist from the series really. Those white robes with the hood aren't exactly helping the assassins blend in anywhere, so why not spice up your look with some fresh outfits? Not only will they let you add some personality and style to keep the game a little fresher, but each outfit, unlike costumes, also has its own upgrades that give you different buffs. Unfortunately, there are some that can only be purchased as DLC, which we will list in a separate category, but all the others are able to be found in the game naturally. If you want to fill your wardrobe with all the latest fashion in Assassin's Creed Mirage, here is how you can get every outfit.
All outfit locations and perks

There are six outfits you can get through natural progression, either by purchasing them or as rewards for main or side quests.
Initiate of Almut Outfit
A simple one to start, this is the outfit Basim has by default when you start the game. It has the Silent Blade perk that reduces the noise you make when assassinating targets by 50%, 75%, and 100% as you upgrade it.
Zanj Uprising Outfit
You can loot the Zanj Uprising Outfit from the Gear Chests in the Harbiyah region. The chest is in the galley of the ship in the Upper Harbor. This outfit grants you the Infamous perk, which reduces how much notoriety you gain from illegal actions by 20%, 30%, and 40% per upgrade.
Abbasid Knight Outfit
You first need to steal a key from a guard to unlock the Tax Collector's Mansion in Karkh before you can go inside and loot the Gear Chest with this outfit inside. Once equipped, this outfit has the Lick Your Wounds perk that lets you regenerate 1%, 2%, and then 3% of your HP every two seconds so long as you're in stealth, but only up to a maximum of 50% HP.
Milad's Outfit
This outfit is a reward for collecting five Mysterious Shards and using them to unlock the middle chest in the Secret Chamber. Milad's Outfit has the Forgotten Terror perk which comes at max level and stuns all enemies within 15 meters after performing an air assassination.
Hidden One Outfit
Named after the order itself, the Hidden One Outfit is left in a Gear Chest at the top of the Shurta Headquarters in Round City. Wearing these robes grants you Deadly Movement which will restore 5%, 10%, or 15% of your Focus Chunks each time you pull off a stealth kill.
Rostam Outfit
An easy outfit to get, but also to miss, the Rostam Outfit is a reward for beating the side quest called"The Marked Coins." With this equipped you get the Sound of Silence perk to reduce the amount of noise you make while moving by 50%, 75%, and 100% with each upgrade.
DLC outfits
While it is unfortunate some outfits are not available to everyone without paying, at the very least they do not have perks you can miss out on. All three of these need to be purchased in the shop or come with the Deluxe Edition of Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Sand Outfit
Fire Demon Outfit
Jinn Outfit

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The best skills to get in Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Basim about to assassinate a dude.

With Assassin's Creed Mirage going back to the series' roots with this entry, it also makes sense for us to start from scratch as well. Basim will begin his journey as a young street rat, but slowly evolve into the skilled assassin you later meet in Valhalla. This will be a long and arduous journey for our hero, and for you as a player, but one thing this entry doesn't abandon from the more RPG-focused titles is the skill tree. Basim's skills are broken down into three different trees, Phantom, Trickster, and Predator, that you can invest your points into as you see fit. While none are technically useless, there are some standouts that are much more useful across your journey through Baghdad. These are the best skills you need to get in Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Best skills to get

Unfortunately, nearly every skill in Assassin's Creed Mirage is on a linear tree meaning you need to unlock prior skills to get to the more powerful ones. Even so, there are some trees far more valuable to invest in in general than others. Note that you can freely refund any spent skill points by highlighting a skill and holding the button prompt to get your point back at no cost if you want to reallocate your points.
Auto-Collect - Trickster Tree
Let's be real, no one can resist looting a body. The problem with that is that when you're trying to stealth your way through an area, taking the extra time to dig through the pockets of a freshly assassinated foe will more than likely end up with you getting discovered. What is a greedy assassin to do? With the Auto-Collect skill you can steal an enemy's life and their goodies all in one fell swoop so you don't have to worry about getting caught or backtracking to all the bodies you left later to collect your spoils.
Chain Assassination - Phantom Tree
The only real essential skill in the Phantom Tree has to be Chain Assassination. This will be a familiar skill to those who played prior games as it allows you to stealth kill one target, and then chain that into a second if they're close enough, or in line of sight so long as you have a throwing knife handy to toss at a nearby target. Not only is this more efficient, but opens up tons more possibilities since you don't have to wait until each enemy is completely alone to stealth them.
Extra Tool Capacity 1,2, and 3 - Trickster Tree
The tools you unlock as you level up and complete missions are essential parts of Basim's tool kit. The more tools you can have at the ready, the more situations you will be equipped to deal with.
Knife Recovery - Trickster Tree
Throwing knives are almost too overpowered in Assassin's Creed Mirage. The only real balance to them is that you can only hold so many, and once you use one, you need to head to a shop to get more. Or, if you unlock the Knife Recovery skill, you can salvage any knife you use by looting it off the unlucky soul who was on the receiving end. If you play smart with this skill, you can save tons of currency and time by recycling your blades.
Pickpocket Master - Trickster Tree
Basim grew up as a thief, but he can still learn a few tricks to get better. Pickpocket Master has two effects, the first is to vastly decrease the difficulty of the QTE for pickpocketing higher-tier loot from targets. The second is to completely remove the QTE from basic pickpocketing making it an automatic success.
Stealth Recon - Predator Tree
Last up, we have the Stealth Recon skill from the Predator Tree. So long as you're in stealth and crouched or in cover, any enemy in the area will be highlighted and their patrols shown to you, even through walls.

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