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Assassin’s Creed Mirage review: stealth throwback feels behind the times

Basim showing off his hidden blade in front of the Bagdad cityscape.
Assassin's Creed Mirage
MSRP $50.00
“Assassin's Creed Mirage is a perfectly enjoyable stealth adventure, but it's not the leap of faith the series desperately needs.”
  • Baghdad is a highlight
  • Great lead performances
  • Strong stealth
  • Illusory nonlinearity
  • Dated mission design
  • Lackluster combat

As assassin-in-training Basim works to become a Hidden One toward the start of Assassin’s Creed Mirage, he’s scolded by his mentor, Roshan. After asking Basim to make a leap of faith into a pile of leaves, Roshan says it’s clear that Basim’s mind isn’t fully committed. Although Basim is eventually able to overcome this throughout the opening and the entirety of the adventure, Assassin’s Creed Mirage as a whole suffers a similar crisis.

Any long-running series like Assassin’s Creed needs to keep things fresh. In 2017, Assassin’s Creed Origins served as the start of a new era for the series that shifted its focus to historically educational RPGs in bold new settings. But that approach eventually got stale, and now it’s on Ubisoft to evolve the series yet again. With Mirage, Ubisoft aims to accomplish that by closely copying the formula of the pre-Origins games in the series while implementing a few tweaks to make missions more nonlinear. Unfortunately, that approach forgets why people wanted the Assassin’s Creed series to change in the first place.

At first, Assassin’s Creed Mirage seems like it’s going through all of the proper classical motions of an old-school Assassin’s Creed game, but it lacks the passion and innovation necessary to make it a truly memorable installment. While Ubisoft’s ability to create historical locations in immaculate detail is still unmatched, the bland story and missions demonstrate that Assassin’s Creed still needs to make a true leap of faith.

Beautiful Baghdad

Assassin’s Creed Mirage follows the origin story of Basim, a supporting character in 2020’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s a rags-to-riches self-discovery story set in ninth-century Baghdad about a street thief desperate to find great purpose with the Hidden Ones. While that might be an enticing premise for fans of Valhalla, the narrative as a whole isn’t too interesting — especially if you know a lot about Basim already. Although Lee Majdoub (Basim) and Roshan actress Shohreh Aghdashloo give excellent performances, the rest of Mirage’s characters are forgettable, including the Templar targets who are supposed to make for memorable assassinations. Even the cinematography and cutscenes feel like they’re going through the motions.

An underwhelming story pressures other aspects of the game to deliver.

Basim’s journey of self-discovery and Roshan’s role as an overprotective master hit all of the expected story beats for those archetypes. Some late-game twists attempt to make the narrative more engaging, but are very confusing unless you deeply understand Assassin’s Creed lore. This isn’t a bold storytelling leap for the series like Origins was, and it almost entirely ignores the modern-day story thread that makes the series so unique.

An underwhelming story pressures other aspects of the game to deliver. Thankfully, the world design and educational elements of Mirage do just that. Baghdad and its surrounding desert are realized in stunning detail; I love walking around the streets or riding on a mount in cinematic mode. It’s a city that feels historically accurate and aptly dense ,yet still has some sort of parkour pathway for players to follow no matter which direction they decide to run in. A dynamic notoriety system, which increases the amount of patrolling enemies as Basim causes more chaos, also helps the world feel more lively.

Assassin's Creed Mirage's Basim riding a camel.

Historically accurate, yet gamified world design has always been a part of the Assassin’s Creed’s core identity and was not something that needed to change, so it’s good to see Ubisoft at the top of its game here. Although the lack of a Discovery Tour mode at launch is disappointing, Historical Sites throughout Baghdad feature collectibles that unlock History of Baghdad codex entries, which are entertaining and informative reads.

Sneaking like it’s 2007

If you played any Assassin’s Creed game between 2007 and 2015, you’ll know what to expect from Mirage. It’s an open-world game stuffed with collectibles that players can search for between missions where the main goal is to investigate, stalk, and then kill targets. I appreciate that this approach means there is an emphasis on stealth rather than bloated RPG elements, even if combat here isn’t as fun as it was in some previous entries. Players are able to parkour around almost all of the buildings in Baghdad, and the controls feel intuitive, as there’s always something for Basim to latch on to as long as you’re pressing forward and tapping the A button. That’s part of Assassin’s Creed’s core identity that has never needed to change. Mirage recognizes that.

The stealth-to-combat gameplay loop will have its nostalgic fans, but it feels dated in 2023.

The freedom of parkour is important as it opens up more opportunities for stealth. In main missions and side contracts, players often have a certain target that they need to take out of a group of enemies to pick off. While recent Assassin’s Creed titles leaned more toward players overcoming these obstacles by taking on foes head-on, Mirage encourages stealth. Before any fight, I always use Basim’s Eagle Sense and bird companion Enkidu to scout out how many enemies are in a location and where. Then, I parkour on the rooftops around them or hide in tall grass so I can sneak up close and kill them. One of Mirage‘s most satisfying new gameplay elements is the Assassin’s Focus ability, which allows Basim to take out up to five enemies in one fell swoop. It’s almost a superpower.

There are opportunities for Basim to wear disguises or use tokens (earned from side missions) to convince certain factions to attack enemies. These tools never feel as useful as picking off enemies one by one, just as players have been able to since the first Assassin’s Creed in 2007. While it’s possible to complete most missions without being seen, I was still spotted at times. In those moments, I had to choose to run away or fight head-on. Mirage‘s combat, unfortunately, is a step back from the modern games in that regard. Basim is slow, controller bumpers don’t feel great to use as attack buttons, and the window where I have to choose to parry or dodge an incoming attack feels way too short.

Basim about to assassinate a dude.

While some of Mirage‘s throwback elements work, combat is one element where I can feel why it was important for the series to move on. The stealth-to-combat gameplay loop will have its nostalgic fans, but it feels dated in 2023. If I ever do find myself yearning for the old-school Assassin’s Creed formula, I can just go back and play those older games.

Not really nonlinear

I’d hoped for a bit more originality from Mirage, but it’s newer ideas don’t always pan out. Take its commendable, but imperfect nonlinear gameplay approach. A kernel of an excellent idea for the future of the series is there, as Basim’s targets are laid out across an investigation board and players must discover clues to find them. This is only nonlinear in presentation, though; it’s just a fancy way to lay out the two or three tasks that I needed to do before a killer set piece. Assassinations never feel like an emergent player moment like it can in a game like Shadows of Doubt.

When it comes to specific objective locations, the map only marks their general area, not the exact placement. When introducing the significant assassination missions where Basim is assassinating members of the Templar Order, Mirage consistently highlights how there are usually multiple ways to complete objectives before sending him off to kill a target. This suggests that these assassinations would work like a mission in Hitman, but they lack that nonlinear depth and play quite traditionally. The only real difference now is that players must constantly use Eagle Vision to find precisely where objectives are rather than have a UI marker on the screen.

Assassinations never feels like an emergent player moment …

Most of the time, I only found alternate pathways into the area where I could do the linear infiltration and assassination gameplay the series has done since 2007. Needing to put in a little more effort to find these by-the-numbers paths didn’t enhance these moments by much. Once you peel back any attempts at nonlinear play, Mirage is an action-adventure open-world game that feels stuck in 2015. The genre has made great strides since then, partly thanks to Assassin’s Creed titles, but Mirage feels behind the times. While there’s nothing explicitly terrible about Mirage’s design, I felt lethargic playing through stealth missions that ignored any improvements made to the genre over the past decade.

Basim leaps at an enemy in Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Ubisoft / Ubisoft

This formula rewind is great for fans who were missing that era and open-world formula, but boring for those like me who understand why it was time for Ubisoft to evolve that classic formula. I do see a future for the series where it embraces nonlinearity, hewing closer to series like Dishonored or Hitman in an intricately recreated historical setting. Unfortunately, the attempts toward that are held back by other extremely dated aspects of its design. Ubisoft is still a master at creating locations I want to explore, but it still needs to find new ways to make what I’m discovering more enticing.

While Ubisoft went through all the proper motions to make a new game in the old Assassin’s Creed style, it did so without much of an attempt to push the formula forward. Those yearning for the good old days might appreciate that, but it misses a chance for reinvention that other franchises have enjoyed in recent years. Series like The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and even Pokemon have found exciting ways to evolve. Even Assassin’s Creed has done this once before. Perhaps it’s time for Ubisoft to take another leap of faith and discover where Assassin’s Creed can go next.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage was reviewed on Xbox Series X.

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Tomas Franzese
Tomas Franzese is a Staff Writer at Digital Trends, where he reports on and reviews the latest releases and exciting…
All Assassin’s Creed Mirage outfit locations
Basim showing off his hidden blade in front of the Bagdad cityscape.

A true assassin knows how to blend in with any crowd necessary to stalk their prey and remain undetected until the moment is right to strike. That is unless you're talking about Basim in Assassin's Creed Mirage, or any protagonist from the series really. Those white robes with the hood aren't exactly helping the assassins blend in anywhere, so why not spice up your look with some fresh outfits? Not only will they let you add some personality and style to keep the game a little fresher, but each outfit, unlike costumes, also has its own upgrades that give you different buffs. Unfortunately, there are some that can only be purchased as DLC, which we will list in a separate category, but all the others are able to be found in the game naturally. If you want to fill your wardrobe with all the latest fashion in Assassin's Creed Mirage, here is how you can get every outfit.
All outfit locations and perks

There are six outfits you can get through natural progression, either by purchasing them or as rewards for main or side quests.
Initiate of Almut Outfit
A simple one to start, this is the outfit Basim has by default when you start the game. It has the Silent Blade perk that reduces the noise you make when assassinating targets by 50%, 75%, and 100% as you upgrade it.
Zanj Uprising Outfit
You can loot the Zanj Uprising Outfit from the Gear Chests in the Harbiyah region. The chest is in the galley of the ship in the Upper Harbor. This outfit grants you the Infamous perk, which reduces how much notoriety you gain from illegal actions by 20%, 30%, and 40% per upgrade.
Abbasid Knight Outfit
You first need to steal a key from a guard to unlock the Tax Collector's Mansion in Karkh before you can go inside and loot the Gear Chest with this outfit inside. Once equipped, this outfit has the Lick Your Wounds perk that lets you regenerate 1%, 2%, and then 3% of your HP every two seconds so long as you're in stealth, but only up to a maximum of 50% HP.
Milad's Outfit
This outfit is a reward for collecting five Mysterious Shards and using them to unlock the middle chest in the Secret Chamber. Milad's Outfit has the Forgotten Terror perk which comes at max level and stuns all enemies within 15 meters after performing an air assassination.
Hidden One Outfit
Named after the order itself, the Hidden One Outfit is left in a Gear Chest at the top of the Shurta Headquarters in Round City. Wearing these robes grants you Deadly Movement which will restore 5%, 10%, or 15% of your Focus Chunks each time you pull off a stealth kill.
Rostam Outfit
An easy outfit to get, but also to miss, the Rostam Outfit is a reward for beating the side quest called"The Marked Coins." With this equipped you get the Sound of Silence perk to reduce the amount of noise you make while moving by 50%, 75%, and 100% with each upgrade.
DLC outfits
While it is unfortunate some outfits are not available to everyone without paying, at the very least they do not have perks you can miss out on. All three of these need to be purchased in the shop or come with the Deluxe Edition of Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Sand Outfit
Fire Demon Outfit
Jinn Outfit

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The best skills to get in Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Basim about to assassinate a dude.

With Assassin's Creed Mirage going back to the series' roots with this entry, it also makes sense for us to start from scratch as well. Basim will begin his journey as a young street rat, but slowly evolve into the skilled assassin you later meet in Valhalla. This will be a long and arduous journey for our hero, and for you as a player, but one thing this entry doesn't abandon from the more RPG-focused titles is the skill tree. Basim's skills are broken down into three different trees, Phantom, Trickster, and Predator, that you can invest your points into as you see fit. While none are technically useless, there are some standouts that are much more useful across your journey through Baghdad. These are the best skills you need to get in Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Best skills to get

Unfortunately, nearly every skill in Assassin's Creed Mirage is on a linear tree meaning you need to unlock prior skills to get to the more powerful ones. Even so, there are some trees far more valuable to invest in in general than others. Note that you can freely refund any spent skill points by highlighting a skill and holding the button prompt to get your point back at no cost if you want to reallocate your points.
Auto-Collect - Trickster Tree
Let's be real, no one can resist looting a body. The problem with that is that when you're trying to stealth your way through an area, taking the extra time to dig through the pockets of a freshly assassinated foe will more than likely end up with you getting discovered. What is a greedy assassin to do? With the Auto-Collect skill you can steal an enemy's life and their goodies all in one fell swoop so you don't have to worry about getting caught or backtracking to all the bodies you left later to collect your spoils.
Chain Assassination - Phantom Tree
The only real essential skill in the Phantom Tree has to be Chain Assassination. This will be a familiar skill to those who played prior games as it allows you to stealth kill one target, and then chain that into a second if they're close enough, or in line of sight so long as you have a throwing knife handy to toss at a nearby target. Not only is this more efficient, but opens up tons more possibilities since you don't have to wait until each enemy is completely alone to stealth them.
Extra Tool Capacity 1,2, and 3 - Trickster Tree
The tools you unlock as you level up and complete missions are essential parts of Basim's tool kit. The more tools you can have at the ready, the more situations you will be equipped to deal with.
Knife Recovery - Trickster Tree
Throwing knives are almost too overpowered in Assassin's Creed Mirage. The only real balance to them is that you can only hold so many, and once you use one, you need to head to a shop to get more. Or, if you unlock the Knife Recovery skill, you can salvage any knife you use by looting it off the unlucky soul who was on the receiving end. If you play smart with this skill, you can save tons of currency and time by recycling your blades.
Pickpocket Master - Trickster Tree
Basim grew up as a thief, but he can still learn a few tricks to get better. Pickpocket Master has two effects, the first is to vastly decrease the difficulty of the QTE for pickpocketing higher-tier loot from targets. The second is to completely remove the QTE from basic pickpocketing making it an automatic success.
Stealth Recon - Predator Tree
Last up, we have the Stealth Recon skill from the Predator Tree. So long as you're in stealth and crouched or in cover, any enemy in the area will be highlighted and their patrols shown to you, even through walls.

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iPhone 15 Pro can natively run the latest Resident Evil and Assassin’s Creed games
Leon and Ashley in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

In a major stride forward for mobile gaming, Apple announced during today's event that console games like Assassin's Creed Mirage, Resident Evil 4's remake, and Resident Evil Village are coming to the iPhone 15 Pro. These aren't watered-down mobile spinoffs or cloud-streamed games either; they're running natively with the help of the A17 Pro chip.

During the gaming segment of Tuesday's Apple event, the power of the iPhone 15 Pro's A17 Pro chip was highlighted. The 3-nanometer chip has 19 billion transistors, a six-core CPU, a 16-core Neural Engine that can handle 35 trillion operations per second, and a six-core GPU that supports things like mesh shading and hardware-accelerated ray tracing in video games. Several game developers were featured following its introduction to explain and show off just how powerful the A17 Pro Chip is. While this segment started with games already native to mobile, like The Division Resurgence, Honkai: Star Rail, and Genshin Impact, it didn't take long for some games made for systems like PS5 and Xbox Series X to appear.
Capcom's Tsuyoshi Kanda showed up and revealed that natively running versions of Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 are coming to the iPhone 15 Pro before the end of the year. Later, Apple confirmed that Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Mirage, which launches next month on PC and consoles, will also get a native iPhone 15 Pro port in early 2024, while Death Stranding is slated for a 2023 iPhone 15 Pro launch.
Historically, console-quality games like these have been impossible to get running on a mobile phone without the use of cloud gaming. Confirming that these three AAA games can all run natively on iPhone 15 Pro is certainly an impactful way for Apple to show just how powerful the A17 Pro chip is.

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