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The long, winding road to Baldur’s Gate 3 was paved with these Larian games

A group of four adventures stands on the ends of a cliff in Baldur's Gate 3.
Larian Studios

A career-crowning achievement as monumental as Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t come out of nowhere. From Divinity to Dungeons & Dragons, Larian Studios has long been one of the loudest advocates for rich storytelling and true, meaningful freedom in Western RPGs.

Larian Studios’ story is a rags-to-riches tale about a group of passionate developers whose deep and diverse portfolio of games piled up for nearly three decades before Baldur’s Gate 3 ever saw the light of day. Amid canceled projects, Larian narrowly skirted total bankruptcy. In order to survive, there are several points in its history when the independent studio experimented. There were dives into real-time strategy, educational games for the Belgian kids’ TV station Ketnet, the Diablo-esque Divine Divinity, and Divinity 2: Ego Draconis, a third-person action RPG built on Bethesda’s Gamebryo engine.

It’s an eclectic list of projects that underlines a truth about the artistic process. You don’t build a masterpiece without some trial and error along the way, and Larian’s artistic journey proves that lessons can be learned in even the most unconventional places.

The L.E.D. Wars (1997)

The L.E.D. Wars (1997) gameplay
Larian Studios

Larian Studios lost not one, but two publishing deals for its original RPG, tentatively titled Ragnarok Unless (later The Lady, The Mage, and The Knight) before ever successfully launching any game at all. According to Robert Zak’s 2019 interview of Swen Vincke, the Larian team ended up scrapping its original vision for a deep, co-op-capable, story-driven roleplaying game much like what we now see in Baldur’s Gate 3. Instead of diving right back into the roleplaying world, Vincke and the remaining Larian staff ended up doing work-for-hire projects for the Belgian government while working on their own real-time strategy game.

Coming out roughly between the release windows of Warcraft 2 and Starcraft, both of which invariably dominated the real-time strategy landscape for years, Larian’s The L.E.D. Wars silently gave its own spin on the genre with what was known at the time as the most advanced and challenging AI in any RTS game According to MobyGames, it’s still considered one of the most difficult in the genre, which is impressive given that Larian’s small team only spent six months developing the entire game.

Divine Divinity (2002)

Divine Divinity (2002) gameplay
Larian Studios

Five years after its initial debut, Larian returned to PC gaming with the rather obviously Diablo-inspired Divine Divinity and its sequel, Beyond Divinity. Both ARPGs received critical acclaim for their far deeper questing and character customization systems in comparison to Diablo 2. The latter was single-note by comparison, but came with more polish and Blizzard backing its commercial success. Unfortunately for Larian, the early Divinity games didn’t catch on quite as well with the broader RPG audience, and it would take far longer for Divinity to become a household name.

KetnetKick (2004)

Creating hardcore PC games was one way to earn favor with gamers, but Larian had bills to pay. It would need to take an unexpected detour to keep producing the kinds of games it was interested in. In the early 2000s, Larian teamed up with Belgian TV provider VRT to create a game for the kids station Ketnet. The result was a game called KetnetKick, an educational platformer that’s designed to teach kids basic math and other important concepts and that resembles a simplistic version of Super Mario 64. Larian still features the old trailers and cutscenes from their old Ketnet games on its YouTube channel, and frankly, they’re a hoot to watch in 2024.

Creating games like KetnetKick allowed Vincke and the growing Larian team time to learn lessons and gather resources as they worked toward their true passion: role-playing games. And we saw that take shape with the Divinity series’ jump into fully 3D environments in Divinity 2.

Divinity 2: Ego Draconis (2009)

Divinity 2: Ego Draconis (2009) gameplay
Larian Studios

When people say “Divinity 2,” the first game that may come to mind is the highly successful CRPG Divinity: Original Sin 2. But older fans know what’s up. Divinity 2: Ego Draconis — you can currently buy the definitive edition of the game, Divinity 2: Developer’s Cut, on Steam — represented Larian’s shift back into the Divinity series after a five-year hiatus. Larian used the lessons learned from developing its educational games to bring the series to glorious 3D. It featured tons of action combat, plenty of lovingly nerdy fantasy writing, and its most iconic sequences had you riding a dragon. It also used Bethesda’s Gamebryo engine, the very same engine used to create Starfield.

Monkey Labs (2009)

While Divinity 2 was getting its expansions — and eventually, a developer’s cut — between 2009 and 2012, Larian split its resources and went to work on a few more educational games. According to a press release featured on in September 2009, Monkey Labs utilized the power of bananas (and once again, Bethesda’s Gamebryo engine) to teach Belgian students between ages 7 and 14. Larian uniquely designed it to accompany real textbooks used in real Belgian classrooms rather than a TV show on a network, aà la KetnetKick. Its sequel, 2011’s Monkey Tales, even made a splash in the PC gaming world when it was released on Steam in 2014.

Divinity: Dragon Commander (2013)

Flying dragons around a massive battlefield is a very cool concept! You can do that in Divinity: Dragon Commander, which shows off everything Larian had learned about roleplaying games and real-time strategy up to its release in 2013. It’s also the first time we see the art style for Divinity: Original Sin and its sequel begin to take shape with vibrant, bold character designs and artwork that evoke the imagination. Its strategy elements were received decently among critics, but its charming tone and unique role-playing tie-ins are what truly set it apart.

Divinity: Original Sin (2014)

Divinity: Original Sin (2014) gameplay co-op
Larian Studios

Finally, we get into proper CRPG territory with 2014’s Divinity: Original Sin. This was Larian’s first attempt at what would eventually become its signature style, introducing an open-ended fantasy world full of humorous quests. But what truly made it stand out was its deep character customization systems and effortless co-op system, which let players and one friend complete the entire campaign while aiding or sabotaging one another’s progress. This set the stage for what would ultimately become the mega-innovative Origin characters systems in Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3, where handmade characters could each have motives and imperatives of their own that conflicted with one another organically without derailing the story.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 (2017)

Divinity: Original Sin 2 (2017) character creation
Larian Studios

Before there was Baldur’s Gate 3, there was Divinity: Original Sin 2. In fact, there would not be a Baldur’s Gate 3 if not for the incredible commercial and critical success Divinity: Original Sin 2 garnered for Larian Studios. Everything we loved about the former took shape in the latter, and though it could still technically be considered an indie game for its time, its 100-plus-hour length, deep and immersive worldbuilding, and believably written and voice-acted characters represented the first true shift away from what we typically think of when we talk about indies. This was the moment Larian Studios launched off the ground and became the studio we cherish today, and if you’re pining for a fantastic RPG to follow up a playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, there are few better  — at least, in the same isometric style — than Divinity: Original Sin 2. Just be warned that it’s even more difficult than Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3

Minthara in Baldur's Gate 3.
Larian Studios

All of this built to one magnum opus: Baldur’s Gate 3.

As a genre, isometric CRPGs tend to play like giant choose-your-own-adventure books. They offer unprecedented levels of depth, conveyed through lovingly crafted text passages and often less-than-stellar graphics that give the developers tons of leeway to put the focus squarely on player choice and storytelling that evokes the imagination. Larian Studios bucked that trend with its two Divinity: Original Sin games, but never before has there been a CRPG with the level of cinematic flair and lifelike character performances that also somehow manages to be deeper and more open-ended than any other CRPG out there. That wouldn’t have been possible without decades’ worth of failure, experimentation, and triumph.

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Gabriel Moss
Gabriel is a freelance writer with a keen interest in gaming and technology. He has written at several sites including IGN…
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a perfect game, until you die
Baldur's Gate 3 Withers

Baldur’s Gate 3 did it. The highly anticipated follow-up to BioWare’s legendary CRPG series lived up to all the expectations fans of the originals garnered over the course of 23 odd years and is appealing to tons of new players as well. It has an average score of 95 at Metacritic and SteamDB currently shows an all-time peak of over 814,666 concurrent players -- making it one of the most widely played games ever on the platform. I'm thoroughly enjoying playing through the campaign at a leisurely pace with my Half-Orc Wild Magic Barbarian. At roughly 45 hours in, I can confidently say Baldur's Gate 3 offers the most immersive RPG experience in recent memory.

It ties the flexible interactivity and dynamic combat of games like Divinity: Original Sin 2 with the cinematic presentation of a Dragon Age or a Mass Effect -- all while maintaining the breadth of customization options and story richness of the originals. But more importantly, it does a dang good job of simulating fifth-edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. It's outstanding ... until you die.

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You can’t play Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox, but you can play these 6 Game Pass RPGs
A player conversation in Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 just launched on PC on August 3 and comes to PlayStation 5 shortly on September 6. Unfortunately, an Xbox Series X/S version of the RPG does not have any concrete release date. Developer Larian Studios explained in a community post that this is because it doesn't "want to compromise on quality and feel it would be a shame to downscale to 30 [frames per second, aka fps] or make other compromises to hit an arbitrary date." Still, it's disappointing that Xbox players can't get in on the fun anytime soon. Thankfully, there isn't a shortage of alternatives on Microsoft's gaming platforms.
Xbox Game Pass is home to dozens of RPGs, many of which share the same computer-RPG roots as Baldur's Gate 3. While Xbox players might not be able to enjoy Larian Studios' shockingly thorough and immensely enjoyable Dungeons & Dragons CRPG just yet, they can't go wrong playing these six titles right now. 
Fallout: New Vegas

Where Baldur's Gate 3 may be the pinnacle of fantasy RPG games inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, Fallout: New Vegas is that for postapocalyptic RPGs. This game from Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks -- both of which are now owned by Microsoft -- first released in 2010. Despite some in-game glitches that still persist, the Xbox 360 version of Fallout: New Vegas on Xbox Game Pass is just as enthralling of a role-playing experience as it was nearly 13 years ago. The Xbox 360 version can even be played at 60 fps on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, thanks to the FPS Boost feature.
Like Baldur's Gate 3, it's a faithful follow-up to some classic CRPGs that give players a massive amount of choice as they complete their adventure however they see fit. You can have endless fun exploring the world and creating experiences that feel personal to you while dealing with its eclectic cast of factions and characters. While it's a bit rough around the edges in certain aspects, New Vegas is still one of the best RPGs ever made. As such, it's worth replaying or trying first the first time if you want to play an RPG, but can't experience Baldur's Gate 3 right now.  
Pillars of Eternity and Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

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Hear me out, Baldur’s Gate 3 is the hottest new couple’s game
Astrion holds his chin in Baldur's Gate 3.

Search for the “best video games for couples” and you’ll find a solid list of options, ranging from It Takes Two to Stardew Valley. Usually, lists like that tend to be filled with co-op games that require lots of communication or cozy games like Animal Crossing that anyone can enjoy. Those are all ideal choices, but allow me to throw a curveball at you: Baldur’s Gate 3 is the hottest new couples game.

Yes, I know how wild that sounds. After all, the dense RPG opens with a tentacled monster slipping a disgusting parasite into a character’s eye socket. Shortly after, players come across an exposed brain hanging out of a man’s skull, which then wriggles its way out and begins running around on nerve-like legs. It’s positively grotesque, a stark contrast with just about any title you’d see recommended on a list of couple’s games.

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