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Celebrate 25 years of Final Fantasy with a swath of half-off discounts

Dissida Final Fantasy
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On December 17, 1987 a little known games developer named Square released Final Fantasy. The title, as has so often been reiterated over the past two decades, is a reference to the fact that the game was a last ditch effort to turn the tide of Square’s dire financial straits. If Final Fantasy hadn’t been a hit, the company that would go on to merge with Enix to form Square Enix would likely have vanished into the ether of the NES era. Fortunately for Square, Final Fantasy proved a massive success and alongside Enix’s Dragon Quest series (aka Dragon Warrior, if you grew up in the United States) it spawned a fondness for Japanese-style roleplaying games that continues to this day. Even as news of poor sales and big loses continue to plague the publisher, it still has a shining jewel in its crown. 

Not to be too pedantic, but technically 2013 would mark the 26th anniversary of the series. However, it’s only February, so if Square Enix wants to offer up a bunch of discounts to celebrate a milestone that took place nearly two months back, who are we to argue?

Speaking of those discounts, Square Enix’s plan is simple: Take a number of Final Fantasy titles and series spin-offs which can already be found on the Sony Entertainment Network and cut their prices in half. Sorry Xbox fans, but since the mid-90s Final Fantasy has been seen most often on Sony’s gaming machines. It just makes more sense to aim these discounts at those with access to the PlayStation and PSP titles found on the Sony Entertainment Network.

As for which titles will be reduced in price, the offers a handy list:

  • DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY (PSP)
  • FINAL FANTASY Tactics: War of Lions (PSP)
  • Final Fantasy (PSOne Classics)
  • Final Fantasy II (PSOne Classics)
  • FINAL FANTASY IV: Complete Collection (PSP)
  • Final Fantasy V (PSOne Classics)
  • Final Fantasy VI (PSOne Classics)
  • Final Fantasy VII (PSOne Classics)
  • Final Fantasy VIII (PSOne Classics)
  • Final Fantasy IX (PSOne Classics)

As we mentioned previously, each of these games will be discounted by half. Final Fantasy VII for instance, will only set you back $5 instead of the usual $10. However, if you suddenly find yourself itching to play any of these games there is one more caveat that you should know about: Those who visit the Sony Entertainment Network right this moment will see none of these deals, as Sony claims that they won’t become active until the PlayStation Network is updated later today. We don’t know exactly when that will occur as these updates have so far shown no regularity in when they pop up, and Sony is as coy as usual on the subject. Once the Network is updated though,  you’ll have two weeks before these deals disappear and you’re forced to pay Square Enix’s normally high prices for games that sell in the modern era purely based on the nostalgic recollections of huge chunks of their childhood spent in the 1990s.

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Earnest Cavalli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Earnest Cavalli has been writing about games, tech and digital culture since 2005 for outlets including Wired, Joystiq…
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Get your steps in

Even when you get yourself a Chocobo to ride around on, there's no getting around how much running you will be doing. Whether it's in one of the dungeons or towns where you can't take your mount, part of a quest that keeps you on foot, or if you just like exploring the old-fashioned way, Cloud will be getting more than his fair share of steps in. So why not get paid for your efforts? The Pedometer Pin is an accessory that automatically pays you 1 Gil for every 100 steps taken. Now, that doesn't sound like a lot, but that number will build up fast when running around. Plus, it's free money you'd otherwise be leaving on the table. The best part is you don't need to sacrifice a valuable accessory slot on Cloud, or even anyone in your active party, to get the benefits. So long as the person who has it equipped is available to be in your party, not necessarily currently in it, you reap the rewards.
Sword for hire
Sidequests pay well in Rebirth for the most part. There aren't a ton of them compared to most open world games, so they all tend to be worth your while in one way or another. Visit every new town's notice board and snag all the requests whenever possible. You won't know exactly what reward you're going to get until it's said and done, but you should expect at least a couple thousand Gil for your efforts in most cases.
Get crafty

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