People who own the game and want an early taste of the multiplayer will be able to purchase a Frontier Pack for $5, which includes an extra copy of the base game and two copies of Don’t Starve Together, encouraging fans to spread the game to their friends. Frontier Packs cost $20 for those that don’t already own the game. As announced in May, Don’t Starve Together will still be a free download for anyone that owns the original game when it launches in full. It will also be available for $15 as a standalone for new players, just like Don’t Starve currently does.
A development roadmap posted in Klei’s forum points toward the game’s future, with a major content update focused on multiplayer coming to the game in Spring 2015. One exciting tidbit included is a GIF of a character sneaking up on a sleeping beefalo, saddling it, and riding wildly until getting bucked off. Can the mighty beefalo be tamed and used for more than just fertilizer production and wolf protection?