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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6: release date window, teaser, news and more

Soldiers battle in an abandoned airport.

There was some concern that the franchise would miss a year for the first time in over a decade, however, rumors and leaks have all but confirmed that we will be getting yet another Call of Duty game this year on schedule. We have confirmation now that it will be called Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, but that’s about it. In fact, all the rumors and leaks we will be talking about could no longer be true, or may never have been true in the first place. That said, many have some credible sources that make them worth at least taking a look at. The next Call of Duty is expected to have an official reveal in the coming months, at which time we will update this article with the hard facts. Until then, this is everything we think we know about Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Release date window

Call of Duty has never missed a fall release, even when it probably should have, so we don’t see it giving up that spot in 2024. Look for an October or November release as usual.


Ghost from Modern Warfare 3

Despite Activision being purchased by Microsoft, Call of Duty will not be an Xbox exclusive any time soon. What we don’t know is if this will be yet another cross-generation game since last year’s Modern Warfare 3 did also launch on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems. The only thing we can confidently say is it will be on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.


Black Ops 6: 'The Truth Lies' - Live Action Reveal Trailer

While it is more of a teaser, we did get the live-action reveal trailer ahead of the true reveal on June 9. In it we see numerous historical figures, including Bill Clinton and Saddam Hussein, making cryptic remarks about what people think is the truth and how the only way to find it is to look in the dark.

A dark new chapter of the Black Ops franchise begins. Call of Duty: #BlackOps6

— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) May 23, 2024

According to Windows Central, which spoke to sources familiar with the matter, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be set during the titular conflict between the U.S. and Iraq and be a mix of traditional large-scale battles with the more tactical and spy-focused missions the Black Ops games are known for.

While not exactly trailers, a new site called The Truth Lies has been uncovered and is teasing the new Black Ops title with some cryptic videos. The site shows an old TV with six channels you can flip among; however, not all the channels have footage as of now. One channel shows a group sneaking onto Mount Rushmore during the night to blindfold the monument with the words “The Truth Lies” and a mysterious logo.

Another channel shows what appears to be a different group putting up posters of Mount Rushmore with the same blindfolds and “The Truth Lies” message as the first.

open your eyes #thetruthlies

The Open Your Eyes video contains many clips from ’90s news and TV stations that are cut together to make the message that “we are talking to you” about a better time that was a lie and that “you must find the truth.”

We can assume more channels will add to this narrative leading up to the official reveal.


A soldier with a Pack-A-Punch weapon fires at zombies from behind cover.
Infinity Ward

Again, there’s nothing official here, but there are plenty of leaks and rumors. The most prominent and credible comes from Insider Gaming and suggests Black Ops 6 will embrace an open-world design for its campaign. Modern Warfare 3 already dabbled in open-zone mission structures, so this does seem like the logical evolution of that design. The report states that the gameplay flow will feature the player and a squad exploring a map somewhat similar to a Far Cry game in which you can use vehicles and fast travel systems to move around the map. Finally, for fans of the franchise, Adler will apparently make a return for this entry.

It is also noted that linear missions will be included, so the formula won’t be completely overhauled based on this report.

Zombies will, of course, be back as well, and go back to the more traditional round-based structure.


There are no preorder details just yet, but you can count on there being at least three different editions with various bonuses and extras associated with them once the game is announced. It has also been confirmed that Black Ops 6 will launch on day one on Xbox Game Pass so those who subscribe to that service can get the game at no extra cost. As soon as the official reveal occurs and preorder information is available, we will update this article.

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