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Forspoken cloaks: all cloak locations and abilities

Frey is from New York, but she can’t wear her normal attire for long once she’s whisked away into the fantasy world of Athia. Among Frey’s new duds is her flowing cloak. Aside from looking awesome, this is one piece of gear in Forspoken that you can swap out and upgrade for stat buffs. It may not seem like a particularly strong armor piece, but once you see how much a good cloak can improve your abilities, you’ll be glad to know how to get them all.

What cloaks do

A cloak menu in Forspoken.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Cloaks serve as Frey’s primary piece of gear, along with necklaces and nail designs. They give different stat boosts, can be upgraded, and have a nice visual flair too. You will get them through a variety of tasks, such as defeating bosses, found in the world, and completing quests.

All cloaks, what they do, and how to get them

Name What it does How to get it
Hooded Cloak None Unlocked automatically during Chapter 3 of Forspoken
Pelerine Cloak Critical Hits Can Restore Health Trade For One Poppet in Cipal
Stranith Cloak Debuffs on Self Recover More Quickly Trade For One Poppet in Cipal
Valorous Cloak Surge Magic Recharge Rate Boosted When Cuff Blocks Complete the Ligare Village in The Guardians’ Way area of Praenost
Dauntless Cloak Damage Taken When Cuff Blocks is Reduced Complete the Brass Cavern Cave in the Brass Hollow area of Praenost
Unstoppable Cloak Attack Magic Triggered during Parkour Deals Extra Damage

Reduced Damage When Landing

Complete the Militis Academy in The Mustering Ground area of Praenost
Judicious Cloak Immune to Dazing Complete the Gyuzel Village in The Water Garden area of Avoalet
Faultless Cloak Improved Critical Hit Rate When HP Is High Complete the Molybdos Guild in The Untrodden Forest area of Avoalet
Infallible Cloak Recovering from Defenselessness Boosts Surge Magic Recharge Rate

Flow Effect Lasts Longer

Complete the Kabosharr Village in the Golden Hills area of Avoalet
Audacious Cloak Damage Reduced When Cuff Blocks and Frey Has Full Stamina Complete the Ruins of Mercador in the Visorian Plateau area of Visoria
Boundless Cloak Attack Magic Triggered during Parkour Boosts Surge Magic Recharge Rate Complete the Redclaw Cavern Cave in the Academy Hills area of Visoria
Unsurpassable Cloak Stamina Boosts When Cuff Makes a Last-Chance Block

Improved Stamina Recovery Speed

Complete the Niccoline Guild in the South Plateau area of Visoria
Gracious Cloak Defense Boost When Healing Item is Used Complete the Bhulna Villa in the Physic Garden area of Junoon
Fearless Cloak Health Restored When Enemy Defeated Complete the Oxys Guild in the Farcoast Terrace area of Junoon
Incomparable Cloak Evading Piercing Attacks with Parkour Restores Health

Flow Speed Increased

Complete the Forbidden Meadow in the Harvest Lands area of Junoon. To gain access to the meadow, players will need to complete the nearby Altar of Aasaan
Lief Cloak Poison Damage Halved When Health Is Low Complete Locked Labyrinth: Barrier in The Guardians’ Way area of Praenost
Puissant Cloak Enemy Numbers Boost Surge Magic Recharge Rate Complete Locked Labyrinth: Cliff in The Citadel area of Praenost
Divers Cloak Increased Damage When Health Is Full Complete Locked Labyrinth: Hill in The Blessed Plains area of Cipal
Fain Cloak Critical Hit Rate Boosted for Distant Foes

Surge Magic Recharge Rate Boosted for Distant Foes

Complete Locked Labyrinth: Mountain in The Fountainfields area of Avoalet
Bonifate Cloak Critical Hit Rate Boosted When Surge Magic is Charged

Critical Hits Can Poison Enemies

Complete Locked Labyrinth: Field in the Humble Plain area of Visoria
Whilom Cloak Support Magic Critical Hit Rate Boosted

Support Magic Recharges More Quickly When Health is Full

Complete Locked Labyrinth: West in the Visorian Plateau area of Visoria
Monsterful Cloak Cuff Counters Can Boost Attack

Cuff Counters Can Boost Defense

Cuff Counters Can Trigger Auto-Heal

Complete Locked Labyrinth: Forest in The Wolfwoods area of Junoon
Forfend Cloak Lower Casting Frequency Boosts Damage

Lower Casting Frequency Boosts Surge Magic Recharge Rate

Lower Casting Frequency Boosts Critical Hit Rate

Health Restored When Enemy Defeated

Complete Locked Labyrinth: Castle in the Cipalian Way area of Junoon
Veriment Cloak Damage Boosted When Health Is Very Low

Surge Magic Recharge Rate Boosted When Health Is Very Low

Critical Hit Rate Boosted When Health Is Very Low

Stamina Recharge Rate Boosted When Health Is Very Low

Complete Locked Labyrinth: North in the Visorian Isthmus area of Visoria
Unbroken Cloak Critical Hits Absorb Enemy Health

Critical Hits Boost Surge Magic Recharge Rate

Cuff Counters Improve Surge Magic Recharge Rate

Craftable after purchasing the Sewing Kit item from the Curiosity Shop in Inner Visoria for 64 Old Coins. It requires 3 Fluteblossoms, 3 Bumbershoots, and 3 Lucid Garlands
No Limits Cloak Attack Boosted When Healing Item Used PS5 Preorder Bonus
Elite Cloak Attack Boosted When Healing Item Used PC Preorder Bonus

Best cloaks to wear

  • Unbroken: This cloak is a beast. The more crits you dish out, the more HP and Surge magic you get, plus Cuff Counters restore Surge even more.
  • Lief: Absorbing HP is amazing, especially when you need to conserve healing items, and the extra damage on your magic is just icing on the cake.
  • Hooded Cloak: Getting a crit is exciting, but this cloak lets you ride that momentum further by getting more damage right after.
  • Bonifate: Not only do you get a higher chance at crits, but also the chance to inflict poison on an enemy when one lands, which is perfect for tanky foes and bosses.

How to change cloaks

Changing out your cloak is as simple as going into the Gear tab on your menu, selecting your cloak above the necklace option, and then cycling through all the ones you’ve unlocked and equipping whichever you choose.

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Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
The best item recipes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Believe it or not, your Arisen in Dragon's Dogma 2 is very skilled at crafting. We're not talking about building structures, tools, or weapons, but item crafting. By combining specific pairs of ingredients in your inventory, you can produce some extremely potent consumables. As you will discover for yourself on your first long trip across the land, there are a ton of materials to discover, leading to hundreds or thousands of possible combinations. Knowing what items are best saved to make something special can save you from having to scour the world looking for more or struggling without it. Here are the best recipes that not even the best pawns will tell you about.
Best item recipes

Salburious Drought
This green liquid will be your most common healing item in Dragon's Dogma 2 and also the item you will probably craft first. It probably has the most possible combinations of ingredients to make and will always be a more effective way to get the most healing out of any individual ingredients. If you have a Greenwarish and combine it with almost any fruit, you can whip this tonic up.
Detoxifying Decoction
Status effects are no joke in Dragon's Dogma 2. If you get poisoned, it isn't going away until you cure it or rest at an in or camp. And that's if you have enough healing items to keep yourself alive long enough to make it there. Detoxifying Decoctions will cure what ails you and keep you adventuring instead of scrambling to get back to town. An easy way to make it is by combining Pitywort and Syrupwort leaves.
Exquisite Dried Spud
Stamina regenerates naturally, so you may not think an item that replenishes it would be all that important. Ask yourself that when you're clinging to the back of a Griffen 100 feet above the ground and your grip is slipping. Pop an Exquisite Dried Spud to keep climbing or running in those touchy moments. Just smash two Ripened Princess Harspuds together to make it.
Mighty Robrant
For a more flavorful and alternative healing item, the Mighty Robrant will be able to take you from close to death to full HP for the majority of the game. This is a second-level item made by first crafting a Fruit Robrant and then combining that with Cinnamon Bark.
Miracle Robrant
The ultimate consumable that you can make is the Miracle Robrant. This will heal a massive amount of HP and refill your stamina all in one. These take a bit more work to get, so save them for emergencies. Make one with any Fine Robrant and a Saurian's Tail.
Bunch of Flowers
Finally, make a nice gift for someone with a Bunch of Flowers to earn some favor. You can give gifts to almost any important character in the game, and while not all will like flowers, a good deal will, and they're free to make. We craft ours out of Sunbloom and Noonblooms, but most flower combinations will do the job.

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All sphinx riddle solutions in Dragon’s Dogma 2
A sphinx in Dragon's Dogma 2.

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First five riddle solutions

The first half of the riddles are given at the location mentioned above. Once you solve this first batch, the Sphinx will move, and you will need to find it again to continue. Here are the first five riddles, their solutions, and rewards.
Riddle of the Eyes
“Our eyes are our allies, yet oft do they betray, for eyes tell lies, so I advise, and thence do lead astray. Yet how will your eyes advise you? Venture through yonder door and retrieve that which is of greatest value.“

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How long is Dragon’s Dogma 2?
A sphinx in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Open-world RPGs can be anywhere from around a dozen hours long to well over 100. Dragon's Dogma 2 is very unique, even among others in the genre, for not adhering to a lot of traditional design philosophies, such as how it handles fast travel. If anything, that will only add to your total playtime, plus there are all the optional quests to do, Vocations to try out and level up, and more if you're a completionist. If you're wondering if you have the time to fit Dragon's Dogma 2 into your schedule among all the other games releasing, here's how long you can expect this adventure to last.
How long is Dragon's Dogma 2?

For the main quest, Dragon's Dogma 2 can probably be beaten in around 25 hours, give or take. That's assuming you mainline the story as efficiently as possible and don't get stuck on any boss fights being under-leveled. A more realistic playthrough where you explore a bit, do some side content, and maybe go for the true ending will push you into the 30 to 35-hour range, as it did for us.

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