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Gamed: Games and war, which one is bad again?

gamed make pixels not war cod
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This week, yet another study was released which concluded that there was no correlation between violent video games and violence in children. Unfortunately, many of the politicians that have been quick to lay the blame of all violence at the feet of video games may have missed that report, as they are busy preparing to send the country into another war. 

If you have children, play games, or have a pulse, you have probably heard that there is a bit of disagreement surrounding the effects of violent video games on children and teenagers. One side thinks the issue is complex and worthy of more study. There is no conclusive proof that violent games have any effect whatsoever on the psyche of impressionable youths, and there is actually a fair amount of research that claims there are benefits to playing violent games, from stress relief to neurological effects like improved hand-eye coordination, and better multitasking skills. The other side is full of assholes.

Bad. Image used with permission by copyright holder

Yes, that is simplistic and unfair, but for every person with good intentions there is a hypocrite with a soapbox ready to score cheap points with opinion masquerading as fact, just without any evidence. Sometimes this is because they really believe it regardless of proof. Sometimes they just see an easy target. If it’s just a talking head on TV raging against gaming, so be it. Many of the more outspoken pundits have daily shows, sometimes two if you  include their often lengthy radio programs. They are still pricks and deserve a case of hemorrhoids so severe that Lucifer would offer them a rubber doughnut when they get to Hell, but their need to fill content is understandable, and you can always turn them off. Politicians, on the other hand, are a different story.

As a kid back in 1990, I have a clear recollection of the first time I saw CNN’s Gulf War (the prequel) coverage. I was waiting for my Mom at a restaurant that had a TV tuned to CNN. I gave my Reebok pumps a few extra squeezes for stability, adjusted my hypercolor t-shirt, and turned off my Walkman as I walked over to watch. The footage was from the nosecone of an incoming missile. It was grainy footage to begin with, plus this was in the days of SD TV when everybody was attractive at 480, but the image of a missile hitting a truck was unmistakable. It was war, live and on basic cable.

Good. Image used with permission by copyright holder

Three years later Doom was released. The pixilated demon slayer was national news, and politicians were quick to attack it for sensationalizing violence. A few years later when Columbine went from the name of a school to an event, I always found it odd that people had a problem with video games like Doom, which was repeatedly blamed for the tragedy, and yet the glamorization and airing of war was considered a public service. And let’s be clear – the CNN coverage of the Gulf War did not show the harsh and terrible realities of war. The network wasn’t putting up images of dead children or decapitated corpses. It was showing missiles hitting targets, and Baghdad at night as AA guns fired. It was like watching really mean fireworks.

And so here we are again. Another reason, another country, and possibly another war. And an unpopular one at that. The only other country to support an attack on Syria is France. France. If that isn’t a bad omen, I don’t know what is. The situation in Syria is horrific. It’s a stain on the civilized world, but it’s not like we could just fire off a missile and call it a day. Launching laser guided democracy from a destroyer wouldn’t do it, it would lead to soldiers on the ground and another war.

In April of this year, Senator Dian Feinstein claimed video games were a “simulator to practice killing on.” She is now demanding an attack on Syria. Following the Columbine massacre, Senator John McCain sent a letter to President Clinton that placed some of the blame on Doom. He too wants to jump into another war. They are not alone, not even close. The rhetoric against video games was especially pungent following the Sandy Hook tragedy, leading President Obama to request the CDC outline a course of study. Several politicians were quick to condemn violence and blame video games. Today some of those same politicians are encouraging sending soldiers, many of whom are still kids themselves, into into real life life violent situations, even as the majority of the world argues against it. Because apparently that is much better for us than playing Call of Duty.   

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Ryan Fleming
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ryan Fleming is the Gaming and Cinema Editor for Digital Trends. He joined the DT staff in 2009 after spending time covering…
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Nintendo’s eShop closures are a necessary, but messy move
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Following this announcement, Digital Trends spoke to an industry analyst and game preservationists to get a better idea of what exactly caused Nintendo to shut down these stores and to learn how it could do a better job at preserving its legacy.
Why is Nintendo shutting down the 3DS and Wii eShops?
Officially, Nintendo’s FAQ on the eShop closures says “this is part of the natural life cycle for any product line as it becomes less used by consumers over time." The answer doesn’t get into specifics and might confuse those still playing games on the system or fans of games only available on Wii U or 3DS. Omdia Principal Analyst Matthew Bailey explains Nintendo’s user base argument in more detail, highlighting the massive gap between the number of people playing the Switch as opposed to the Wii U.
“While Omdia expects the number of Switch consoles in active use to exceed 90 million on a global basis this year, the Wii U’s global active installed base will drop under one million in 2022,” he explains. “Even when you include the more enduring 3DS family of consoles into the equation, the Switch still comfortably accounts for over 90% of Nintendo’s total active console install base.”
If one is going off just the numbers, it’s sensible that Nintendo would want to focus on the majority of its players. Bailey admits that “Switch users are already reaping the benefits of Nintendo’s singular first-party development focus on one platform.” Still, one might argue that Nintendo should just let the eShops remain up even if it isn’t actively updating or maintaining them.

Unfortunately, Nintendo doesn’t see that as possible due to cost and security issues. Game Over Thrity, a Twitter user with over 20 years of experience working on IT projects and infrastructure, shed some light on what might have influenced Nintendo’s decision-making in a thread.
“As these systems age, they require patches, security, special contracts, updates, and personnel that know how they were built (and maintained),” his Twitter thread explains. “As time goes on, there are security holes, servers, code, infrastructure, etc., that can’t be brought up to modern standards. It becomes a constant struggle between maintaining legacy systems, paying people to do so, and trying to keep up with global regulations. It’s not cheap by any means. They can’t just ‘leave the lights on’ and stop supporting them. What if someone hacked the payment processor?”
With every passing year, the Wii U and 3DS eShops likely became more expensive to maintain and an increased security risk for the video game publisher. Instead of investing the time and resources into pleasing a smaller amount of players, the easier option is to turn everything off entirely. While he isn’t affiliated with Nintendo, Game Over Thirty’s assessment aligns with what we’ve heard from Nintendo and Omdia.
"The Wii U’s global active installed base will drop under one million in 2022."

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