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Gundam Evolution launches on PC in September, consoles in November

After two beta tests for consoles and PC, Gundam Evolution has a release date. The new hero-shooter starring the popular anime mechs is sporting two different release dates with a September 21 launch on PC and November 30 date for consoles.

Gundam Evolution - Exia & Marasai Introduction Trailer

Gundam Evolution takes the mobile suit mechs from the Gundam series and throws them into a free-to-play Overwatch-like hero shooter. According to a Digital Trends interview with its director, the game’s main goal is to present Gundam fans and casuals with a fun, competitive gaming experience.

The game will feature a few modes at launch, including  Point Capture, Domination, and Destruction. It’ll launch with 12 playable heroes called mobile suits. These suits can be used in three objective-based 6v6 player-vs-player modes. Here’s a quick breakdown of all the included mobile suits returning from the beta.

  • RX-78-2 Gundam
  • MS-06 Zaku II [Shooting Equipment]
  • MSN-04 Sazabi
  • RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
  • ZGMF-XX09T DOM Trooper
  • RX-75 Guntank
  • RX-80PR Pale Rider
  • ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos
  • MSA-005 Methuss
  • NRX-044 Asshimar
  • WD-M01 ∀ Gundam
  • RGM-79 GM

It’s likely that GN-001 Gundam Exia and RMS-108 Marasai (UC) will appear as unlockable mobile suits as they did in the beta. It’s also confirmed that more mobile suits will join in the future, as is the norm for the hero shooter genre.

Gundam Evolution isn’t 2022’s only Gundam game release. The multiplayer action Japanese roleplaying game SD Gundam Battle Alliance just released — a game that can be summed up as Kingdom Hearts but for Gundam fans.

For fans that prefer Overwatch, but for Gundam fans and beyond, Gundam Evolution releases on September 21 for PC and November 30 for consoles.

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DeAngelo Epps
Former Digital Trends Contributor
De'Angelo Epps is a gaming writer passionate about the culture, communities, and industry surrounding gaming. His work ranges…
Gundam Evolution is a hero shooter for more than Gundam fans
Gundam Evolutions Barbados and GM Sniper 2 units standing side by side in attack poses.

Gundam Evolution, a new multiplayer shooter based on the mech-filled anime series, has a surprising amount of broad appeal. Not only is it being talked about by Gundam fans, but it's also catching the eye of more casual gamers and even hardcore esports ones as well. If you've noticed that audiences seem a little more excited here than they have been for previous Gundam games, that's exactly the response that the Gundam Evolution team is hoping for.

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