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We tasted The Last of Us Part II’s apocalyptic new whisky

Just before this year’s Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle, The Last of Us Part II developer Naughty Dog brought a group of fans, press, and staff to a small bar for a special event to celebrate the franchise’s latest release. This wasn’t The Last of Us Part I, which came out the next day; instead, they were there to debut a new whisky inspired by Part II called Moth & Wolf.

The event was held at Quinn’s Pub in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Its schedule featured a guided tasting of the new whisky, an appearance by Naughty Dog co-president and TLOU co-writer Neil Druckmann, and an acoustic set of six original songs by Troy Baker, the actor who voices Joel. While the whisky was the star of the show, the event itself also served as a somber goodbye for Baker, who officially closed out his time with TLOU.

Taste the apocalypse

Moth & Wolf is the latest product from the Digital Spirits project by Chivas Brothers, which is arguably best-known for its eponymous blended whisky Chivas Regal. Digital Spirits’ aim, according to Chivas’ Kevin Balmforth, is to “get closer to what fans are passionate about,” by making spirits that are influenced by modern forms of entertainment like video games. Balmforth is the master brewer at the distillery that created Moth & Wolf, and describes himself as having been a “big gamer” even before coming aboard the collaboration, which has been nearly two years in the making.

“I played The Last of Us all the way through,” Balmforth tells Digital Trends. “I’m a big fan. This was a real collaboration between us and Naughty Dog. We worked on a lot of concepts, to see what would work for the [whisky’s] packaging and the liquid itself, how the flavors would work.”

A bottle of whiskey inspired by The Last of Us sits on a table.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Moth & Wolf is a nine-year-old blended Scotch whisky, 48% ABV, made by Balmforth and his team at their distillery in Scotland. It features high notes of honey, fruit, and vanilla, with a slow, smoky aftertaste. According to Balmforth, the relative subtlety of the smoky flavors in Moth & Wolf is meant to mimic the feeling he had when he first saw Haven burn in The Last of Us Part 2. The design of Moth & Wolf’s bottle is meant to be similarly reminiscent of the game, with several subtle shout-outs to TLOU2‘s ruined Seattle hinted at in the fine details of the label.

Drinking songs

After the tasting, guided by Balmforth, Neil Druckmann took the stage to introduce Troy Baker, which also marked the point at which the mood of the event shifted downward, from upbeat to somber.

“During the pandemic,” Baker said onstage, “I found myself with an abundance of time and a deficiency of places in which to spend it.” He reacted by writing a number of songs, some of which he felt were more Joel’s than his, due to the “10 years and 10 million stories” he’d spent with Druckmann working on the character.

He proceeded to perform six of those songs, as a “good way to say goodbye” to Joel, joking that he was officially turning over the reins of the character to Pedro Pascal.

Troy Baker and Neil Druckmann signing posters at the Moth & Wolf tasting event.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Naughty Dog didn’t allow visitors to photograph or record Baker during the concert, which may or may not be aired via some official channel or another at a later date. Of Baker’s songs, the second was specifically about who Baker imagined Joel was before TLOU‘s fungal outbreak, in the days when he was simply a father and a construction worker. The third was faster-paced, about a man who discovers the Devil himself, “an old drinkin’ buddy of mine,” is scared to death of Joel. The sixth song, and the shortest, was a lullaby that Baker imagines Joel sang to his daughter Sarah when she was young.

The way the overall event left off, it’s hard not to describe its final vibe as a sort of metafictional wake for Baker’s time playing Joel.  If that’s the case, at least we got a good round of drinks to help see the voice actor off.

Moth & Wolf will be made available for pre-order via the official Digital Spirits website at an unspecified future date. Its price has not been announced, but Digital Spirits’ previous whisky, Topher Brophy’s Barrelhound, is listed on its website at $45 per bottle.

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Thomas Hindmarch
Thomas Hindmarch is a freelance writer with 20 years' experience in the gaming and technology fields. He has previously…
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HBO viewers were rocked Sunday night by the finale of The Last of Us, which brought the iconic ending of Naughty Dog's critically acclaimed game to life in live-action. It was an extremely faithful adaptation, with no huge deviations from the source material. However, a key change was made that will help the show more gracefully transition into its adaptation of The Last of Us Part II.
Note: Spoilers for The Last of Us TV show and The Last of Us Part II video game to follow.
At the climax of The Last of Us Season 1's final episode, we see Joel annihilate most of the Fireflies and doctors at the Salt Lake City hospital as they prepare to operate on Ellie to get a cure, which would have killed her in the process. It's a chilling sequence that hits the same dubious, morally horrifying notes as it did in the game, and little is changed.
We see Joel kill the surgeon about to operate on Ellie after he picks up a scalpel and says he won't let Joel take her. Joel shoots him in cold blood, but does not kill the nurses assisting him. As he walks out of the room with Ellie, a shot lingers on the face of the now-deceased surgeon, punctuating Joel's massacre.

That may sound like a small cinematic altercation, but that lingering shot is very meaningful to those of us that played The Last of Us Part II. In the original game, we don't think much about Joel's victim; he's just some nameless doctor. In Part II, however, we meet that doctor's daughter, Abby, who's on a quest for revenge. What's a thoughtless action for Joel becomes deeply personal for someone he's never met.
By adding in that extra shot, the finale more confidently sets that up. Even if casual viewers don't know it yet, the groundwork is being laid for something that will be very important in the next season and makes it clear that the show knows where it's going.
The finale further teases what's to come with a smart bit of casting. Eagle-eyed fans may notice that one of the nurses during the scene is played by Laura Bailey, who portrays Abby in The Last of Us Part II. It's likely just the show paying tribute to the game's cast (as it did in episode 8 with Troy Baker, who voiced Joel in the video games), but it's also another way to tease what's to come in the next season. Abby is coming for Joel. Prepare your golf balls.
Of course, when Naughty Dog released The Last of Us in 2013, it didn't yet know that this doctor would play such a pivotal part in the sequel's story, so not as much focus was put on him in the game. The developers retroactively tried to correct this with a retelling of the sequence from Abby's perspective in The Last of Us Part II and updated models in the game's remake.
Showrunners Craig Maizin and Neil Druckmann have the benefit of knowing this moment's importance from the start and not being locked to Joel's third-person perspective. They can now take the time to linger with a shot like this, emphasizing what Joel has done and laying the groundwork for what comes next. It's a short and subtle shot that slightly deviates from the original game, but it's also something that could only be done in this TV show and will certainly be hugely important for the show as we head into season 2.
The Last of Us is available to stream on HBO Max.

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