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Where to get the Skyrest Bridge Key in Lords of the Fallen

Skyrest Bridge Key location in Lords of the Fallen
CI Games

Throughout your long and perilous journey through Lords of the Fallen‘s world, you’ll often encounter doors that require keys to open, and some of them will provide extremely helpful shortcuts linking important areas together. Such is the case with the Skyrest Bridge Key, which can be obtained very early in your adventure after arriving at the game’s central hub of Skyrest and setting off to Pilgrim’s Perch. Getting to it will take a bit of time and effort, but it’ll be worth the trip. We’ll tell you how to get it below.

Where to get the Skyrest Bridge Key

After making your way through the opening section of Pilgrim’s Perch, you’ll stumble upon the Sanctuary vestige. However, instead of continuing up the nearby ladder to the next section of the game, leave back out the way you came. Take an immediate right and roll through the boxes here, defeat any enemies in your way, and then take the ladder at the end of this path.

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After descending a few ladders, you’ll find an enemy waiting for you to the right, so make sure to take them out before continuing. This area is very tight, so proceed through it slowly and take out foes hiding behind the numerous boxes in your way. Eventually, you’ll come across multiple hanging pallets you’ll need to jump to and from to continue forward, eventually jumping to a broken wooden ramp.

Pallets hanging from Pilgrim's Perch
CI Games

Continue forward and climb the ladder at the end of this section. As you proceed through this linear area (remaining vigilant about taking out enemies hiding in wait), you’ll finally come to a dead end with an elevator. If the elevator is not waiting for you, pull the lever here to lower it to you, then take it up to the landing above.

A lever in Pilgrim's Perch
CI Games

Go around the fountain here and down some spiral stairs. After walking a bit further, take a right across a covered bridge. When you reach the end, pull out your Umbral Lamp to spot a pathway to the right. Do not rift to the Umbral Realm entirely – instead, just hold up your lamp to walk across the path about halfway, then drop to the platform with a glowing item below.

An Umbral walkway at Skyrest Bridge
CI Games

At the bottom, go ahead and rift to the Umbral Realm and cross another pathway. You’ll soon reach a point where you can continue up some stairs or take a left across another bridge (only visible in the Umbral Realm). Go left to see a spot on a small platform that you can soulflay. Doing so will cause it to drop the Skyrest Bridge Key.

Skyrest Bridge Key location in Lords of the Fallen
CI Games

By going forward a bit more and then immediately taking a left to pass over some rubble, you can find the first of multiple doors on which to use your new Skyrest Bridge Key.

Billy Givens
Billy Givens is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience writing gaming, film, and tech content. He started as a…
All XDefiant guns and how to unlock them
Xdefiant gun

XDefiant is a fast-paced first-person shooter with a wide variety of gun types to choose from, giving you a ton of choices on how to build your loadouts. Whether you're a run-and-gun kind of person or prefer to sit back and pop foes from afar, you'll find that there's something here that fits your playstyle. However, you'll need to first unlock most of the guns by completing challenges, and some of them can require playing a specific way for a bit. When you're ready to do that, here's how to unlock every gun in XDefiant.
Assault Rifles
There are currently five assault rifles available in XDefiant. These excel in medium- to long-range gunfights, but can also perform relatively well up close.

AK-47 - Deal 4,000 damage with assault rifles
ACR 6.8 - Get 10 Longshot kills with assault rifles
M16A4 - Get 20 headshot kills with assault rifles
M4A1 - Unlocked automatically
MDR - Reach tier 10 in the Preseason Battle Pass (free)

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The best guns in XDefiant

XDefiant has a wide range of guns to pick from and customize, but they're not all created equally. That being said, here are our picks for the most well-rounded and lethal choices available right now.
Best assault rifle: ACR 6.8
The ACR 6.8 is a classic weapon seen in various other games, and it's almost always a standout. The same goes for this beloved firearm in XDefiant, offering top-tier damage for medium- to long-range shootouts. It also has minimal vertical recoil, making it easy to use during engagements that require perfect accuracy. And though it's not perfect for close range, it can hold its own against SMGs, so don't be terribly afraid of tight spaces.
Best SMG: MP7
If your primary goal is to run and gun, the MP7 is an absolute beast when you get right up on your opponents. Not only does it dish out some of the fastest damage in the entire game but it handles exceedingly well with very limited recoil at close-to-medium range. That being said, the damage falls off drastically at longer ranges, so we recommend staying in tighter spaces when possible to force your foes to face you up close and personal.
Best LMG: M60
LMGs are the kings of suppressive fire, making them awesome choices for sitting back and spraying at range in modes like Escort. The best you can choose for this is the M60, offering massive magazine size, shockingly mild recoil, and high damage. It's not going to win every close-range gunfight, but if you can find a place to set up, you'll be the bane of the other team's existence.

Best shotgun: M870
If you've played a few matches of XDefiant, you've no doubt been blasted in the face by someone using an M870. This insanely powerful shotgun can decimate foes at point-blank range, so moving around the map rapidly with it can turn you into a killing machine. As to be expected, however, you'll struggle once you get to medium- and long-range shootouts, so stick to interiors with plenty of cover and opportunities for surprise attacks.
Best marksman rifle: SVD
Marksman rifles are a good choice for players looking to excel in long-distance firefights without the considerably slower movement and aiming of a sniper. For this, go with the SVD's high-damage capability. Though it kicks a bit much, this downside is offset quite a lot by offering a consistent two-shot kill. This makes it extremely dangerous when popping enemies from afar while also working well enough in a pinch when you get caught in tighter spaces.
Best sniper: TAC-50
Sniping is the ultimate form of long-range engagement in XDefiant, and you'll want to go with the TAC-50 when you want to make sure your shots consistently lay someone flat. Though it's a bit slow, a body shot with the TAC-50 is a one-shot kill, so it rewards players with stable aim who find good hiding spots. Obviously, you'll be at a major disadvantage in hectic close-range gunfights, though, so pair this with a proximity mine to cover your flank.
Best sidearm: 686 Magnum
Sometimes you run out of ammo in a shootout and need to swap to your sidearm to secure a kill. That's where the 686 Magnum comes in. This hard-hitting secondary gun has a relatively slow rate of fire, but its incredible damage and ability to hit long-range targets make it a killer choice for finishing off opponents.

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All XDefiant characters and how to unlock them

XDefiant is a free-to-play shooter from Ubisoft, which brings together multiple factions from the publisher's long list of franchises. Each of these factions have their own abilities and passives that make them suited for certain playstyles, so knowing which one works best for you should be an important part of your strategy. While individual characters within these factions share the same abilities, unlocking them all gives you access to more customization options via unique skins.

If you'd like to unlock every character in the game, you'll need to complete challenges that typically ask you to use one of their faction's two abilities on your foes or allies. These can take quite a while to finish, so an alternative method is to purchase a skin for that character in the shop, which will automatically unlock them for you to use. However, this costs real money, so we only recommend doing it if you already know you want the skin, too.

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