There’s no denying that rhythm-based game franchises like Guitar Hero and Rock Band have struck a big power chord in the video game industry…of course, one reason more mature players sometimes don’t adopt the games is that the standard instrument controllers look so…well, toy-like. Gaming accessory maker Mad Catz coming to the rescue by offering a new set of Rock Band guitar controllers for the Xbox 360—and they’ve got the looks, stains, and chrome to come off like real read-worn instruments…except they aren’t actually instruments at all.
The new controllers include three guitar controllers and a stompbox: two of the guitars are inspired by Fender’s iconic Telecaster, while the third is based on Fender’s Stratocaster design. The two Telecasters offer vintage-style Bigsby vibrato arms, chrome tuners and hardware, and either abused sunburst or butterscotch finishes. The Strat-inspired controller doesn’t show any simulated road miles, and claims to be a fully-sie replica is made in a “Fender factory.” The Teles feature “Shredderz” fret buttons for fast and quiet response, touch-sensitive overdrive activation: all three come with Fender guitar straps and support MadCatz’ Overdrive pedal for simpler overdrive-mode activation. The guitars are compatible with Guitar Hero 4 and 5, Rock Band, Rock Band 2, and Rock Band: The Beatles.
Oh, the pricing? The Telecasters go for $109.99. And the full-size Strat? A stunning $299.99.