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Did the controller for Nintendo’s next console just leak? [updated with more images]

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Kotaku / Gabe Carey
Last year, I reported on a patent for Kotaku, filed by five designers at Nintendo, that appeared to contain the blueprints for the controller on Nintendo’s next console. Code-named the NX, rumors have circulated since 2014 that Nintendo’s next console would be a hybrid, fusing elements of both traditional consoles like the Wii U and portable hardware akin to the 3DS.

Updated on 3/23/2016 by Will Fulton: Two more photos leaked on Reddit today, adding legitimacy to the first image and giving a clearer look at the device.

Now that we’re getting closer to this year’s E3 press expo, however, it should come as no surprise that we’re beginning to see actual leaked photographs of the hardware that’s expected to be announced around that time. While these haven’t been confirmed by Nintendo itself, and more than likely never will be, Reddit user Idriss2Dev has posted an image, allegedly of the NX’s official controller, leading to retaliation from the gaming company’s most dedicated fans.

It’s a rather convincing image, especially when taking into account the graphic we saw in last year’s patent. It appears to bear the LCD (or OLED) display shown before, though notably absent now are the ergonomic grips, leading to a number of complaints on Reddit.

“It looks too ugly and [uncomfortable] even for the crazy Nintendo of recent years,” writes Reddit user Balduf. “If [it’s] real Nintendo has finally lost it.”

Perhaps as a concession, a few features seem to have been added since the patent’s emergence as well, including a front-facing camera, a connector on the top for charging, and what look to be two speakers on the front in addition to a built-in mic. The on-screen buttons, nevertheless, still remain present.

All in all, the controller is not conventional by any means. When compared to Nintendo’s current Wii U gamepad option, the removal of real, physical buttons might be a letdown to traditional gaming enthusiasts. That said, let’s not forget that even the Wii U has a Pro Controller option.

Still, this is a leak from Reddit, so any reports on the image should be taken with an endless serving of salt grains.

It’s not clear yet when we’ll see an official NX reveal from Nintendo, but if past hardware announcements are any indication, E3 2016 would presumably be the appropriate venue. And, with Wii U sales still lower than any other current-generation console, it wouldn’t be unrealistic to assume Nintendo’s next console will see a hard launch later this year.

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Gabe Carey
Former Digital Trends Contributor
A freelancer for Digital Trends, Gabe Carey has been covering the intersection of video games and technology since he was 16…
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Why is Nintendo shutting down the 3DS and Wii eShops?
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Unfortunately, Nintendo doesn’t see that as possible due to cost and security issues. Game Over Thrity, a Twitter user with over 20 years of experience working on IT projects and infrastructure, shed some light on what might have influenced Nintendo’s decision-making in a thread.
“As these systems age, they require patches, security, special contracts, updates, and personnel that know how they were built (and maintained),” his Twitter thread explains. “As time goes on, there are security holes, servers, code, infrastructure, etc., that can’t be brought up to modern standards. It becomes a constant struggle between maintaining legacy systems, paying people to do so, and trying to keep up with global regulations. It’s not cheap by any means. They can’t just ‘leave the lights on’ and stop supporting them. What if someone hacked the payment processor?”
With every passing year, the Wii U and 3DS eShops likely became more expensive to maintain and an increased security risk for the video game publisher. Instead of investing the time and resources into pleasing a smaller amount of players, the easier option is to turn everything off entirely. While he isn’t affiliated with Nintendo, Game Over Thirty’s assessment aligns with what we’ve heard from Nintendo and Omdia.
"The Wii U’s global active installed base will drop under one million in 2022."

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