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The Sims 3: Pets 3DS Review

It has been more than half a year since the Nintendo 3DS was introduced, and still a common complaint is that there just aren’t enough quality games. Very few developers seem comfortable using the 3DS’ control scheme, which is surprising because of its similarities to the DS, the best-selling handheld system of all time.

The games just haven’t been there, and the ones that have been released just aren’t where the 3DS needs them to be. One such game was The Sims 3. It wasn’t a bad game, but it felt incomplete, and very dumbed down for the 3DS. There were major sacrifices made in the name of the port, and while some of them were understandable, others were a problem.

The Sims 3: Pets is a more complete game that its predecessor. The console version is not nearly as big a jump in iterations — it is more of an expansion pack than a brand new game. The 3DS version on the other hand, fixes several errors and problems that plagued the last title, adds new content including pets, and it also uses the 3DS controls to their fullest. For as complex as the PC controls are, the 3DS does a solid job of porting them over. They are still slightly confined due to the nature of the device, but The Sims 3: Pets uses the buttons — and especially the touchpad — exceedingly well.

The inclusion of the pets is a solid one too, and you can now create your own dog or cat, assign them personality traits and goals, then give them a custom coat that can be fairly wild in design. Once you have that set, you also create a human Sim or Sims (you cannot port data over from The Sims 3) and create a new family.

The human Sims react and go about the business as usual. They wake up, eat, clean, go to work then come home to inevitably be locked in a room with no doors or windows  and left to die by their bored and demented creators. The pets though also have a fair amount of freedom, and become controllable characters. They can romp, play with other humans or animals, and have their own adventures around town.

It is a surprisingly addictive addition, as the pets can also help out at home, and help their owners in their goals. The means of which change based on each individual goal, and the animals don’t have jobs, but they can complete simple objectives to benefit their family.

If the pets aren’t your thing, you can skip them altogether, or you can just keep them around for fun and focus on your human sims. They are additional content, but not something required.

The main improvement, though, is the controls. The last Sims title was fun for people who love the Sims and were keen on a handheld version, but not very accessible. The Sims 3: Pets is a good game all around, with plenty to do. It probably won’t win over people who hate the concept, but it could become a winner for people who are on the fence and considering giving the series a try.


The Sims 3: Pets isn’t going to replace your console or PC copies, but it is a solid port for a handheld. It is a shame that you can’t continue the characters you may have created in The Sims 3, but this game will be better suited for those that weren’t burned out by the last one. It isn’t a radically different game by any means, but it is a much smoother adaptation of the series, and a solid use of the 3DS’ controls.

Score: 8 out of 10

  (This game was reviewed on the Nintendo 3DS on a copy provided by EA)

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Ryan Fleming
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ryan Fleming is the Gaming and Cinema Editor for Digital Trends. He joined the DT staff in 2009 after spending time covering…
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Why is Nintendo shutting down the 3DS and Wii eShops?
Officially, Nintendo’s FAQ on the eShop closures says “this is part of the natural life cycle for any product line as it becomes less used by consumers over time." The answer doesn’t get into specifics and might confuse those still playing games on the system or fans of games only available on Wii U or 3DS. Omdia Principal Analyst Matthew Bailey explains Nintendo’s user base argument in more detail, highlighting the massive gap between the number of people playing the Switch as opposed to the Wii U.
“While Omdia expects the number of Switch consoles in active use to exceed 90 million on a global basis this year, the Wii U’s global active installed base will drop under one million in 2022,” he explains. “Even when you include the more enduring 3DS family of consoles into the equation, the Switch still comfortably accounts for over 90% of Nintendo’s total active console install base.”
If one is going off just the numbers, it’s sensible that Nintendo would want to focus on the majority of its players. Bailey admits that “Switch users are already reaping the benefits of Nintendo’s singular first-party development focus on one platform.” Still, one might argue that Nintendo should just let the eShops remain up even if it isn’t actively updating or maintaining them.

Unfortunately, Nintendo doesn’t see that as possible due to cost and security issues. Game Over Thrity, a Twitter user with over 20 years of experience working on IT projects and infrastructure, shed some light on what might have influenced Nintendo’s decision-making in a thread.
“As these systems age, they require patches, security, special contracts, updates, and personnel that know how they were built (and maintained),” his Twitter thread explains. “As time goes on, there are security holes, servers, code, infrastructure, etc., that can’t be brought up to modern standards. It becomes a constant struggle between maintaining legacy systems, paying people to do so, and trying to keep up with global regulations. It’s not cheap by any means. They can’t just ‘leave the lights on’ and stop supporting them. What if someone hacked the payment processor?”
With every passing year, the Wii U and 3DS eShops likely became more expensive to maintain and an increased security risk for the video game publisher. Instead of investing the time and resources into pleasing a smaller amount of players, the easier option is to turn everything off entirely. While he isn’t affiliated with Nintendo, Game Over Thirty’s assessment aligns with what we’ve heard from Nintendo and Omdia.
"The Wii U’s global active installed base will drop under one million in 2022."

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