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‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ is huge and full of monsters

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CD Projekt Red is tying up the Witcher trilogy in a huge way with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The series, based on a collection of fantasy novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, has been a big success for the company. But all things must come to an end, and they are poised to blow it out with this last title, which features an open world that is more than 35 times larger than the one in The Witcher 2; if you played that game, then you’ll know how massive that is. To put it into perspective for those of you who might not have experienced The Witcher before, that’s about 20-percent larger than The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And not that CD Projekt Red was knocking Bethesda, but they did say that while Skyrim is big, a lot of the space isn’t that exciting.

They promise that The Witcher 3 will be exciting, and they have hand-designed the world to engage you and make you want to explore it. Plus, that world is populated with quests, missions, and monsters, and the entire storyline is wrapped around a chaotic and deadly force known as the Wild Hunt. Let’s get witchy.



Which Witch? Set in the aftermath of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, The Witcher 3 is a much darker game, with a war-torn world around you, and rumors of the Wild Hunt on the lips of everyone you encounter. As always, you play through this game as Geralt of Rivia. He is a man on a mission, and these days that mission involves hunting down monsters for cash. He’s not exactly a noble knight in shining armor, or a mercenary for hire. Instead he’s a bit like Nick Burkhardt from Grimm crossed with Peter Venkman from Ghostbusters. Geralt will investigate disturbances, then consult his lore to determine what type of monster is plaguing the hapless individuals, and hopefully encounter and defeat it. It’s certainly not a glamorous life, and he has a fair share of people who sneer at his livelihood. But hey, it’s a living.

When the game opens, the world is in chaos. The fearsome empire of Nilfgaard has ravaged the Northern Kingdoms. Rumors of the Wild Hunt plaguing the countryside – normally believed to be a dark fairy tale – have begun to concern people across the land, and Geralt has been investigating the claims. According to Adam Badowski at CD Projekt Red, the Wild Hunt is “a band of spectral horsemen who ride through the sky, raining down destruction wherever they appear.” In the CGI trailer we were shown behind closed doors, a massive, Sauron-like figure bristling with blades mows down innocents, and at the end a lone survivor stumbles out of some brush before gazing at a massive airship hanging in the sky. Your basic nightmare scenario, right?



The Witcher is a fairly standard solo RPG, and Geralt is known for the twin blades, potions, magic, and “Witcher” skills, all of which you will use throughout this game. He is definitely the lone wolf (his nickname is the White Wolf), thus he prefers to work alone. There is a main quest that runs throughout all of The Witcher 3, although you can choose to ignore it whenever you want and turn to side quests if that strikes your fancy. The game features a branching storyline, and most quests have long-reaching effects deep into the game. Some of them can carry through to the very end, and there are 36 different possible endings to the game. 

While not on the core quest, you will find many different side quests for Geralt to complete. These usually involve exploration and monster hunting, and in our demo we encountered an enormous, antlered Fiend that had a lair amidst some ancient ruins, and after battling him for awhile, he retreated to his lair to recover. We then had the option to use Geralt’s Witcher skills to track him to his lair and continue the battle, or to continue on our way. We wanted to hunt that sucker down and make him pay, but we decided to press on in the interest of seeing more of the game. 

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Our next quest brought us to a village plagued by attacks from a spirit that is usually peaceful, so long as it was worshipped. But things have turned bad, although when Geralt arrives to help he isn’t exactly met with open arms. The village leaders grudgingly agree to hire him to confront the creature, and after some investigation and consulting his Bestiary, Geralt discovers that he is facing a very old male Leshen. This creature has the ability to “mark” living victims without their knowledge, and as long as they remain alive, it can never truly be killed. 

Geralt goes on the hunt for the creature, moving through the woods that are whipping about with a fierce wind. It’s a fairly creepy sequence, with lots of “GOTCHA!” moments and Blair Witch-esque trappings. Eventually Geralt finds the creature by destroying his totems, and listening for his signature sound listed in the Bestiary: a cawing of crows. The thin, lanky, antlered and skull-faced Leshen is extremely spooky, and it takes a fair amount to bring him down. Most of the encounters with the 80 monsters in The Witcher 3 will be like this, and there are no “boss monsters,” just different types of creatures.

You’ll use different Witcher skills and senses to help track down these creatures, and Geralt has alchemy and crafting skills as well. He’ll use those in conjunction with his twin swords, moving in a much more dance-like fashion this time around; the development team has promised full control of Geralt’s blades this time around in the redesigned combat, with no quick-time events or scripted attacks. There are three specialization paths that you can combine skills from – Swordsman, Mage, and Alchemist – allowing you to have hybrid characters and combat styles.

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A living, breathing world. The Witcher 3 is expansive, cinematic, and beautiful. The initial island world seen in our demo is larger than all of The Witcher 2, and has denizens based upon Nordic and Celtic mythology. They are a proud people, and as all interactions are dialogue-based, you will get a sense of who they are and what they are about each time you talk to someone. The team has worked to add more muscles to NPC faces, so that when they emote, it looks more realistic. The voice acting is spot on, which is quite a feat in a game that is being localized for North American audiences, and adds much to the game.

The world lives and breathes despite what you do in it as well. Weather will affect travel and the economy, and you may notice that the price of fresh fish from a stall near the ocean will be much cheaper than booths located away from the sea. People will react to temperature changes, predators hunt for food, and “lovers meet by moonlight,” according to the press notes. A lot of work has gone into creating a massive world that Geralt is just a part of, and so far it feels very realistic. Like you’re dropping into a story in the halfway point, rather than having to stop and start depending on your actions.

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With all of the added improvements, the massive scope, and the promise that the increased size will also mean increased gameplay, The Witcher 3 is poised to deliver a massive RPG experience that is perfect for solo adventurers. The game won’t be out until next year, but we’re already excited to see more.

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Kevin Kelly
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Kevin Kelly is a writer and pop culture junkie with a fixation on video games, movies, and board games. His writing has been…
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While this tweet clarifies the biggest misconceptions about CD Projekt Red's The Witcher announcement, it also highlights that the developer announced this game way too early and vaguely. CD Projekt Red is already losing control of some of the discourse around the game and risks repeating one of the biggest mistakes of Cyberpunk 2077's development and marketing: Overpromising.
Cyberpunk 2077's big mistake
CD Projekt Red announced Cyberpunk 2077 in May 2012 at a press conference. At the time, the developer promised features like a "gripping non-linear story filled with life and detail" and a variety of character classes, weapons, upgrades, implants, and more to choose from. It said the game would "set [a] new standard in the futuristic RPG genre with an exceptional gaming experience."
Cyberpunk 2077 would not release until December 2020, over eight years later. But in the meantime, CD Projekt Red continued to tease the title with trailers and interviews, highlighting the game's ambitious scope and vision. CD Projekt Red developers hyped up how the main story and sidequests intertwined, how the game would feature multiplayer, how cops would be very reactive, and more. Although the game looked and sounded very impressive prior to its release, many of these features and promises were either missing or half-baked in their implementation into Cyberpunk 2077.
Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer
For eight years, an RPG that was supposed to change the genre forever was promised, but in the end, all we got was a fairly standard open-world RPG with a bevy of technical problems at release. The massive backlash happened because people were so excited for Cyberpunk 2077, partly because CD Projekt Red hyped up all of these ambitious features over eight years.
The reality is that game development is an arduous journey that doesn't always go according to plan. Designs change, features are cut, and sometimes the finished product just doesn't come together. CD Projekt Red probably never meant to lie to its fans, but priorities and development timelines shifted and what the developer ultimately delivered with Cyberpunk 2077 wasn't up to snuff.
As CD Projekt Red made the mistake of announcing Cyberpunk 2077 too early and overpromising, I thought the studio would what to share more details on its next game until it was close to release. That was not the case. 
Initial Confirmation
CD Projekt Red was not willing to share a development time frame or release window as part of The Witcher announcement, so it's likely that this game is still several years away. Although the developer didn't reveal many details at this time, announcing the next The Witcher game so early gives s the Polish studio plenty of time to do so. For example, the game's director is already promising that there will be no crunch during the development of this game, something people may hold him accountable for as stories about the game's development emerge. CD Projekt Red must be cautious about what it shares about this new game before launch if it doesn't want another PR disaster, and it already seems to be getting a bit out of hand.  
Grabowski's tweet indicates that there are already some misconceptions about the game. That will likely exponentially worsen as CD Projekt Red continues to tease this title in job listings, interviews, and trailers. It's a dangerous approach, so why did the developer make this "initial confirmation" happen so early? There are several reasons why this could be the case. First off, most of this announcement was focused on CD Projekt Red's partnership with Epic Games and the use of Unreal Engine 5, and the developer wanted to confirm the first game that will be part of this partnership to make it more exciting for fans. 

Meanwhile, CD Projekt Red is still recovering from the backlash toward Cyberpunk 2077's rocky launch. Announcing a follow-up title to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt now not only restores a little bit of goodwill with fans and investors but will also attract some Unreal Engine-experienced developers who might be nervous to come to CD Projekt Red following Cyberpunk 2077. 2022 has been a year of anticlimatic and purposefully vague game announcements. CD Projekt Red's The Witcher announcement is simply the latest one to be part of this trend, but it's also one of the most worrying because this developer has made this mistake before.  
While CD Projekt Red felt pressured to confirm this game early, they need to be very careful if they don't want to repeat the mistakes of Cyberpunk 2077. The best course of action for CD Projekt Red to take now is to stay completely silent until it has a clear idea of what the finished game will entail. If that isn't the case, this could all be building to disappointment in the year 2030. 

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