Looking to empty that drawer full of outdated gadgets but not ready to invest four hours in setting up eBay auctions just to turn them around for a pittance? The auction site’s newly launched Instant Sale offers a new way for consumers to be rid of their outdated gadgetry in exchange for cash, all in an eco-friendly fashion. The program, conceived by eBay’s “Green Team,” allows eBay members to plug in the make and model of their device, rate its condition, and receive a cash offer for their bit of techno-antiquity.
If that’s not enough to entice you to start digging through dusty drawers in search of that old Nokia cell phone, the service also offers free shipping, as well as a personal data removal service. Once the item is received, the condition is verified and the money is sent via Paypal.
The program is currently accepting cell phones, PDAs, laptops, MP3 players, camcorders, cameras, GPS systems, and – just to show you how quickly devices march towards obsolescence these days – eBay will also take your iPad or any other tablet computer off your hands for you too. If your gadget is outdated to the point of being literally worthless, eBay will still take it off your hands for you and offer to it recycle free of charge.
This type of program isn’t unique among big companies. Best Buy, Office Depot, and Radio Shack have similar recycling programs. Earlier this year, eBay also debuted a reusable shipping contained called the eBay Box designed to cut down on packaging waste.