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Beatbot makes a splash at CES 2024 with all-in-one robotic pool cleaner

Beatbot makes robotic pool cleaners that clean all parts of your pool.
Digital Trends

The worst part of owning a pool is trying to keep it clean. Removing debris, scrubbing the walls and floor, and managing water quality is practically a part-time job, making a backyard oasis more hassle than expected. Beatbot hopes to make that a thing of the past with the reveal of the AquaSense Pro at CES 2024 — a comprehensive robotic pool cleaner that automates most of these processes.

CES Brand Spotlight
Digital Trends was compensated for consideration of coverage for this product. Beatbot did not receive copy approval and did not influence the coverage.

While most competitors will clean either the bottom of your pool or the surface, the Beatbot manages to do both using a chamber that fills with water to sink the bot like a submarine and then empties to float. Using an accompanying smartphone app, you can have the robot clean the floor and walls of your pool, skim debris off the surface, and even improve the clarity of your water by automatically dispensing chemicals based on the size of your pool.

Along with over a dozen sensors — including dual gyroscopes and ultrasonic sensors — the AquaSense Pro is built with nine motors, four brushes, and two filters. All these components allow it to easily cruise around the water, scrubbing surfaces and filtering particles up to 150 micrometers in size.

A filter basket inside the Beatbot pool cleaner collects debris.
Digital Trends

Best of all, it’ll run for nearly 10 hours before needing a recharge. Unlike many robotic cleaners available today, the AquaSense Pro is entirely wireless. This means you won’t have to worry about wired tangling during operation or preventing the robot from reaching all corners of your pool.

Using the Beatbot app, you can choose from several cleaning modes, including a quick clean or eco-clean mode. Once the cleaning is complete, the robot will return to the surface for easy retrieval. For peace of mind, the product comes with a two-year warranty and will receive periodic over-the-air updates to improve its performance.

A floating Beatbot robot collects debris from the edges of a pool.
Digital Trends

The Beatbot AquaSense Pro is now available to preorder for $1,699, with a $500 discount that will go away after 1,000 orders. A less robust version without water clarification or surface cleaning, the AquaSense, is also available to preorder for $999, with a $300 discount that will go away after 1,000 order.

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