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Narwal Freo X Ultra vs. Narwal Freo: What’s the difference between these robot vacuums?

The Narwal Freo X Ultra is the latest addition to the Narwal roster, offering big improvements over the old Narwal Freo. Along with more suction, an improved dustbin, and an updated sensor array, it also picked up a hefty new price tag. That begs the question: Is it worth upgrading to the Narwal Freo X Ultra? Or should you opt for the (now discounted) Narwal Freo?

From vacuuming and mopping skills to additional features and more, here’s everything you need to know about the Narwal Freo X Ultra and Narwal Freo before adding one to your home.

Pricing and availability

The Narwal Freo X Ultra working in a living room.

The Narwal Freo X Ultra is available for $1,400. A launch promotion briefly discounted it to $1,000, and we’ve already seen other discounts bring it down to $1,200. It’s a bit interesting to see so many discounts for a recently launched product — and if you’re diligent, it shouldn’t be hard to snag it below its suggested retail price.

It’s a similar story for the Narwal Freo, which is now listed for $900. Narwal also offers the Freo with an optional Accessories Pack, which gets you a bunch of replacement parts and cleaning solution for an extra $100.

Winner: Narwal Freo


The Narwal Freo X Ultra with its cover on.
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

Thanks to its impressive 8,200 Pa of suction, the Narwal Freo X Ultra does a great job of vacuuming. Whether it’s on carpet or hard floors, it can adjust its power levels to tackle all surfaces. Couple that with its unique “Zero Hair Tangling” roller bar, and we were impressed with the robot during our in-home testing. It’s also nice that Narwal built the Freo X Ultra with support for both a reusable dustbin or one that’s replaceable, which allows you to go seven weeks before needing to replace the bin.

The Narwal Freo isn’t nearly as advanced. It only features 3,000 Pa of suction, and its dustbin won’t last nearly as long before needing to be emptied. That makes it much less automated than the Freo X Ultra — a big knock against a product that’s supposed to make cleaning as hands-free as possible.

Winner: Narwal Freo X Ultra


Narwal Freo X Ultra cleaning up spill

Both the Narwal Freo X Ultra and Narwal Freo apply up to 12 Newton units of downward pressure while mopping. They can also rotate their dual mopheads up to 180 revolutions per minute, allowing them to handle tough stains with ease. You’ll also find clean water and dirty water reservoirs in the docking station, along with support for an optional cleaning solution for a more robust clean. Once a cleaning cycle is complete, both products will wash and dry their mops automatically.

Winner: Tie

Additional features

The Narwal dustbin.
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

The big selling points of the Narwal Freo X Ultra are its improved vacuuming prowess and unique dustbin design. However, it also featuredsimproved sensors and enhanced detection of heavy dirt zones. This helps to ensure a thorough clean and that all corners of your home are properly vacuumed or mopped.

Winner: Narwal Freo X Ultra

Which is the best robot vacuum and mop combo?

There’s no doubt the Narwal Freo X Ultra is a better robot vacuum than the old Narwal Freo, and most people will find it to be worth the extra cost. If you’re going to pay this much for a robot vacuum, you want it to be as automated as possible — and because you have to frequently empty the dustbin on the Freo, it’s not the best option.

But for just a bit more cash, you can step up to the Freo X Ultra, which is both more powerful and more automated. If you can snag a unit while it’s on sale, it’s an even easier recommendation. You should also consider the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra and Ecovacs X2 Omni, as they provide you with similar features and clock in at around the same price.

Editors' Recommendations

Jon Bitner
Jon Bitner is a writer covering consumer electronics, technology, and gaming. His work has been published on various websites…
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