Just about every part of the Web has evolved significantly over the past years. Websites are more vibrant, fluid, and functional. Social networks are more uniform and controlled. Messaging services are much easier to navigate and populate with friends and family. Then there’s email, with its catch-all inbox that serves primarily to be flooded by newsletters you don’t remember signing up for and unsolicited communication from people you’ve never met. No one truly enjoys dealing with email, it’s just the mode of communication that has withstood the tests of Internet time.
Zero aims to finally modernize the inbox to make it a place you don’t fear visiting. The app aims to sort your emails by importance, utilizing an algorithm that notes who and what matters, so those messages rise to the top. It also shrinks emails down to summarized cards that can be browsed through like a social feed, giving it a familiar feel and making it much easier to get the information you need, and when it comes to cleaning out your inbox of unwanted messages, all it takes is a swipe.
Live GIF
With the release of Apple’s latest line of iPhones — the 6S and 6S Plus — came a wealth of additional features included in the devices. One of the most popular additions is Live Photos, Apple’s quick, animated take on photos that shows the moments before and after a still shot is taken. The problem is, those moving shots are pretty much stuck on the device. Live GIF turns those brief animations into GIF format so you can share them just about anywhere and let others get a look at the awesome effect.
No matter how remote a location you think you may have found, odds are someone got there before you, and someone will be there after you. But every visit is a unique experience, and you can capture and share yours with TapTag. Think of TapTag as a sort of digital photography graffiti; when you go somewhere, you can see photos left behind by others who have visited the same place, or you can leave a picture of your own for the next person who passes through.
The List App
Pretty much everything on the Internet is in list format. This thing that you’re reading right now? It’s a list. But some lists are better than others. If only you could list the best lists. Well, luckily now you can. From the brain of comedian and actor BJ Novak comes List App, the app that is all about lists. Make a list of just about anything and share it, or browse through other lists and see how people rank anything you can think of. If you had to list all the apps about lists, List App would be the number one.
Video is quickly becoming one of the more popular mediums of communication thanks to apps like Snapchat and live streaming services like Periscope. Chubble occupies the middle ground between those types of apps. Instead of a short, disappearing clip or an hour-long live stream, Chubble lets you share a 90-second live moment as it happens and gives you friends a chance to respond to your video in real time with reactions that you can see.