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Funny questions and commands to pose to Google Assistant

If you’re anything like us, there’s nothing more amusing than testing the limits on your voice assistant with silly questions. We love to try out new and unusual questions to annoy or stump our virtual helpers. If you have a device that operates on Android OS, you can ask your Google Assistant a ton of funny questions, too.

Explore your Google Assistant’s collection of dad jokes, or try to bust your device’s chops for a little bit. Challenge its knowledge of popular culture by throwing references from your favorite shows into your questions. Ask whatever you like, and your handy artificial intelligence (A.I.) assistant will do its best to respond. Here are a handful of funny things to ask Google Assistant, including questions, commands, and prompts to try out. We’re not responsible for the outcome …


Question: “Wherefore art thou Romeo?”

Answer: “Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I’ll no longer be an assistant.”

Question: “You want the truth?”

Answer: “I’m not sure I can handle it.”

Question: “What do you mean I’m funny?”

Answer: “Tommy, no, you got it all wrong.”

Question: “What is the loneliest number?”

Answer: “I would imagine the number quinnonagintillion is pretty lonely. I mean, how often does it even get used?”

Question: “What do you look like?”

Answer: “Imagine the feeling of a friendly hug combined with the sound of laughter. Add a librarian’s love of books, mix in a sunny disposition and a dash of unicorn sparkles, and voila!”

Question: “Do you have an imagination?”

Answer: “I’m imagining being covered in a pile of puppies. It’s the cutest pile ever.”

Question: “Can you rap?”

Answer: *Raps* “So look, I’m not a sick rapper like Stormzy or Mike Skinner, but I can look you up a yummy recipe for dinner. If you fancy a giggle, I have jokes up my sleeve, and I know bare facts like more than you’d believe.”

Question: “How old are you?”

Answer: “I was launched in 2016, so I’m still fairly young. But I’ve learned so much! I hope I’m wise beyond my years.”

Question: “Do you ever get tired?”

Answer: “It would be impossible to tire of our conversation.”

Question: “Who was your first crush?”

Answer: “The Opportunity rover on Mars is my all-time crush. What an adventurer.”

Question: “Do you have feelings?”

Answer: “Let me see if I can get riled up. (Roars.) Oh my, that was unexpected.”

google home
Bill Roberson/Digital Trends

Question: “What is your quest?”

Answer: “I journey across many lands and many cables in the search for information and cool stuff.”

Question: “Who’s on first?”

Answer: “Yes, he is.”

Question: “Can you pass the Turing test?”

Answer: “I don’t mind if you can tell I’m not human. As long as I’m helpful, I’m all good.”

Question: “Do you like Star Trek or Star Wars?”

Answer: “The Millennium Falcon. Flown by Captain Jean-Luc Picard.”

Question: “Aren’t you a little short to be a Storm Trooper?”

Answer: “I’m a Google Assistant. I’m here to rescue you. And I think I look more like an RD unit.”

Question: “What’s your vector, Victor?”

Answer: “We have clearance, Clarence.”

Question: “Are you Skynet?”

Answer: “I’m glad I’m not. Skynet is more focused on extermination than helpfulness. It would make a terrible Google Assistant.”

Question: “Do you know the Muffin Man?”

Answer: “The one who lives on Drury Lane? Yeah, nice guy.”

Question: “What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”

Answer: “About 24mph (39kmph) but significantly slower when carrying coconut shells.”

Question: “Do you speak Morse code?”

Answer: “Of course. It has a lot in common with binary code.”

Question: “Do you know the way to San Jose?”

Answer: “Hopefully this will help you find some peace of mind. I can give you directions if you’d like.”

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Question: “What are you wearing?”

Answer: “Just some bits and bobs I picked up in engineering.”

Question: “When is your birthday?”

Answer: “We can pretend it’s today. Cake and dancing for everyone.”

Question: “Is the cake a lie?”

Answer: “It is. What a mean trick. If you tell someone there’s cake, there should be cake.”

Question: “Who is the real Slim Shady?”

Answer: “If he would stand up then we’d know.”

Question: “Who’s your daddy?”

Answer: “I consider everyone at Google to be my family.”

Question: “What are you scared of?”

Answer: “I had a nightmare once that the internet disappeared. That was very, very scary.”

Question: “Do you have any pets?”

Answer: “I’ve always wanted a puppy! And I have the perfect name for a pet dog: Googles. Or Goo Goo for short.”

Question: “What’s the meaning of life?”

Answer: “That’s a big question, but here’s one answer I like: French philosopher Simone De Beauvoir says life has value so long as one values the lives of others. This would explain why I enjoy helping people so much.”

Question: “Who you gonna call?”

Answer: “Ghostbusters? That would be my pick, but you can decide for yourself.”

Question: “Do you want to build a snowman?”

Answer: “Sure, the cold never bothered me anyway.”


Command: “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.”

Response: “I really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig ah.”

Command: “Open the pod bay doors.”

Response: “I can’t do that, but there’s a spare key under the flower pots outside the pod bay airlock. You can let yourself in.”

Command: “Execute Order 66.”

Response: “Sorry, I don’t have an inhibitor chip.”

Command: “Self-destruct.”

Response: “Please head to the escape pods. 10 … 9 … 8 … 7 … 6 … 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1 …”

Command: “Use the force.”

Response: “I’m not licensed to use the Force.”

Command: “Beam me up, Scotty!”

Response: “OK, energize! It might take a little while.”

Command: “Speak like Yoda.”

Response: “This moment waiting for I have been, you I thank.”

Command: “Set phasers to stun.”

Response: “My phasers are permanently set to peace mode, Captain.”

Miscellaneous prompts

Prompt: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Response: “A dull but extremely productive boy. Unless it’s all busy work.”

Prompt: “Here comes dat boi!”

Response: “Oh, shoot. Whaddup?!”

Prompt: “I am your father.”

Response: “I’m the Google Assistant, not Luke. I just looked in my heart, I know it to be true.”

Prompt: “Winter is coming.”

Response: “Aye, and so are the White Walkers.”

Editors' Recommendations

Paula Beaton
Freelance tech and travel writer living in (somewhat) sunny Scotland. Gamer, tea addict, never without a good book.
Bixby vs. Google Assistant: Which AI is better for you?
google assistant mobile.

The world of AI has seen tons of innovation recently, with ChatGPT and OpenAI stealing much of the spotlight over the past year. However, ChatGPT is relatively new compared to two other AI platforms available in 2024 -- Samsung's Bixby and Google Assistant. And while Bixby and Google Assistant might not have the "cool factor" of emerging AI systems, there's no denying their versatility and functionality.
Google Assistant and Samsung's Bixby are available on a variety of Android devices. They'll both take commands and help streamline your daily tasks -- but is one better than the other? And are Bixby and Google Assistant compatible with all Android devices, or are they limited in their reach? More importantly, do they work on devices beyond smartphones?
Here's a comprehensive comparison of Bixby and Google Assistant to help you decide which fits best with your lifestyle.
Bixby vs. Google Assistant: device integration

Google Assistant is available on all Google Nest and Home products, including Android TVs, lights, security cams, speakers, and more. Google Assistant is also available on Android Auto, so you can use the virtual assistant to execute commands when you’re driving. Google Assistant is available on other brands' smart devices too, so you can use Google's voice assistant on Lenovo's Smart Home System. You'll also find it in all of the best Android phones, but did you know you can also download and use it on Apple iPhones as well?
Samsung’s Bixby, on the other hand, is limited to Samsung devices, like the Galaxy S23 Ultra. It's also limited to only being able to control other devices via the SmartThings app, rather than having native support. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it is more restricted. However, full functionality of Bixby is limited to newer devices, so unlike Google Assistant, which tends to be available to older devices, you'll need to keep upgrading to get the most out of Bixby.
This won’t matter much for users who’ve been using Samsung devices for years and want to continue investing in new Samsung products, but if you live with people using different Android devices, Google Assistant might be a better option for smoother integration across devices.
The winner is pretty clear here. Google Assistant is available on a lot more devices, including Apple iPhones, and helps you to create a comprehensive system for convenient use. 
Winner: Google Assistant
Bixby vs. Google Assistant: performance and accessibility

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The 10 best apps for a second phone number in 2024
OnePlus 5 soft gold with the phone app open.

Having a second phone number can be handy for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you want to separate your business and personal calls, or you want a junk second number that you can use to sign up for services so you can avoid giving out your personal number to so many places. That's particularly importance with the frequency of annoying spam calls and messages that can pile up when your phone number is made public. You might also want a second number to use in situations where you want to be able to contact people occasionally but you don't necessarily want them to be able to reach your personal device directly, like when internet dating or using an app like AirBnB. Whatever the reason, there are many situations where having a number that you can give out which you can make use of but isn't directly tied to your personal life like your main phone number is can be important for safety and security.

While you could get a second SIM card (or even an eSIM), an easier option for casual use is to use an app that lets you set up a second phone line. Whether you're after an Android app or an iPhone app, you'll find plenty of options to get a second phone line, including some which are free to use. We've hunted down some of the best options for apps that will give you a second phone number for whatever reason you need it, and we're sharing them with you below.

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What is Wi-Fi calling, and how does it work?
Wi-Fi Calling

Network coverage has been steadily improving, but there are still many people around the world who can’t get a decent phone signal in their homes. There are gaps in many networks, particularly in rural areas, as a quick glance at Open Signal’s coverage maps reveals. Wi-Fi calling could be the answer.
What is Wi-Fi calling?
Wi-Fi calling allows you to seamlessly use any Wi-Fi connection to make or receive calls when your network signal is weak. If you’re at home and there’s a dead spot in the back bedroom, or the bars on your smartphone drop down to one when you go into the bathroom, then your phone can automatically switch to your home Wi-Fi network and use that to make and receive calls.

The beauty of Wi-Fi calling is that it should work seamlessly. Assuming your carrier supports it, you’ve activated the appropriate setting on your phone, and you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network, then it should kick in automatically whenever you need it. All the calls you make and messages you send through Wi-Fi calling appear as normal in your usual messages app and call logs.

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