In doing so, HBO beat out other marginally less expensive streaming service apps like Hulu and Spotify (which cost $13 and $8, respectively) for the number one spot, and it may be that its popularity stems from its stand-alone availability for Apple devices. To access HBO from other outlets like Optimum and SlingTV, viewers must bundle the service with another package, like Internet or additional channels. So if all you’re interested in is the fate of Jon Snow and company, Apple is still the way to go, which is clearly driving numerous fans to the iTunes Store.
The Apple exclusive is about to come to an end, however. Google’s Chromecast and Android TV platform are expected to land HBO Now sometime this summer, according to a statement Google Senior VP Sundar Pichai made at the Google I/O developers conference in San Francisco earlier this year. And once HBO Now breaks free of Apple’s clutches, it’s only a matter of time until Roku and Amazon Fire TV are in the mix as well.
The app offers subscribers access to all of HBO’s numerous offerings, including past and present content. And considering their impressive lineup, with smash hits like True Detective and Veep currently running, and classics like Sopranos and Sex and the City still entertaining viewers years after their series finales, it is no wonder that people across the country are more than willing to open their wallets to pay for quality entertainment.
Video streaming services have met with huge success across the board, with Netflix and Hulu also reporting strong numbers. According to App Annie, the Hulu app also saw an uptick in revenue, landing the 7th highest ranking on the worldwide iOS revenue chart. So even if $15 feels like quite a bit to pay for an iOS app, just remember, it’s still cheaper than cable.