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How to tell if someone has blocked you on Snapchat

Not everyone will like the content you post on Snapchat. In some cases, some users may even choose to block you, for whatever reason. Although Snapchat doesn’t offer an “official” way to determine whether someone has blocked you on the social network, it is possible.




10 minutes

What You Need

  • A mobile device with Snapchat installed

There are several ways to check if someone has blocked you on Snapchat. Two involve checking a few things through your existing account. Another requires either creating a new Snapchat account or getting someone else to assist you. They aren't the easiest or most convenient solutions, but if you really want to see if someone blocked you or not, they'll get the job done.

Here’s how you can tell if someone has blocked you on Snapchat.

Snapchat on iPhone.
Bryan M. Wolfe / Digital Trends

What's the difference between being blocked and not being a Snapchat friend?

Before getting started, it’s important to note the key differences between being removed from someone’s friend list on Snapchat and being completely blocked by someone.

With the former, you’ll still be able to find them on your list and be allowed to send them snaps — although that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll see the message. By contrast, when someone blocks you on Snapchat, they disappear from your view on the app. Just because someone isn't your friend, that doesn't necessarily mean that they've blocked you.

Check your recent conversations

When you chat with someone on Snapchat, there’s a conversation history. That content vanishes if you’ve been blocked. As such, checking your conversations is a good, simple way to tell if someone has blocked you.

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android device.

Step 2: Select the Chat tab.

Screenshot showing where to go to find conversations in Snapchat.
Bryan M. Wolfe / Digital Trends

Step 3: Look for a previous conversation with the person. If the conversation is gone, they've probably blocked you.

Search for the person's name in Snapchat

You can also check if someone has blocked you on Snapchat by searching for their profile.

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app on your smartphone.

Step 2: On the Map tab, select the Search icon.

Screenshot showing how to search for someone on Snapchat.
Bryan M. Wolfe / Digital Trends

Step 3: Add the name of the person you want to find in the search box. If you can't find them, you might have been blocked.

Have a friend check or create a new account

If you’re still not convinced whether you’ve been blocked on Snapchat, there are two more ways to find out. One is to ask a friend to search for the person using their login details. Another is to create a new Snapchat account and search for the person yourself. If the person you’re looking for doesn’t show up in either case, they have likely blocked you.

If you do find that you've been blocked, remember that you should respect the person's decision to do so and not pressure them to unblock you. But with these tips, you can at least know for sure if you have or haven't been blocked. Discovering that someone blocked you on Snapchat or any other social network is not pleasant. On the bright side, it can be an opportunity to find new followers.

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Bryan M. Wolfe
Bryan M. Wolfe has over a decade of experience as a technology writer. He writes about mobile.
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