When you search in Inbox for information, such as “frequent flyer” or “Chromecast order,” the app will now show you the relevant number you need at the top, along with the option to view the full email. It’s a really aesthetically-pleasing card that most likely offers exactly what you’re looking for after a quick search, and is similar to what would pop up after a search in the Google app.
The neat new feature works when searching for addresses, membership numbers, flight numbers, events, phone numbers, bills, and more.
Underneath the quick card search results, you’ll also find a “Top Results” section that “orders emails by relevance.” And below that you’ll be able to see your emails ordered by date, but Google thinks you likely won’t have to go that far to find what you’re looking for.
For example, after searching for “Barcelona,” the app provided the flight number, as well as departure and arrival dates and times in the form of a compact, colorful card. Below that were top results that included the flight email, along with a few other unrelated items, and the bottom was rounded out with emails ordered by date relating to “Barcelona.”
Inbox’s search feature was pretty good before, so it’s nice to see the search giant working proactively to continuously improve it. The update is rolling out today to the Web and app versions, but it’s unclear if this is server-side, or if you will have to wait for an update in the App Store or the Google Play Store.