Written by Arnett and Mark Chappell (The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, A Young Doctor’s Notebook), the series unfolds within the community of Venice, California, and is being developed by Arnett and Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz. The series premieres in March.
In Flaked, Arnett plays Chip, a well known, longtime resident of Venice who’s both a self-help guru and a recovering alcoholic. The struggle to protect his public image while also maintaining his sobriety becomes more difficult when he meets London, a waitress played by Primeval actress Ruth Kearney. Arnett is joined in the cast by Lina Esco (LOL), George Basil (Roller Town), and David Sullivan (Primer).
The official synopsis of the series reads as follows:
Flaked is a dry, slice-of-life comedy about Chip, a celebrated long-time resident of the insular world of Venice, California who falls for the object of his best friend’s fascination. Soon the tangled web of half-truths and semi-bullshit that underpins his all-important image and sobriety begins to unravel. Will Arnett plays Chip, a man doing his honest best to stay one step ahead of his own lies.
Arnett has become a familiar face — and voice — on Netflix in recent years. Along with reprising his role as Gob Bluth for the Arrested Development revival on the streaming video service, he also voices the title character in the Netflix-exclusive animated series BoJack Horseman, which will kick off its third season later this year. Flaked is one of several projects being developed for Netflix by Hurwitz, who agreed to a multiyear development deal with the company last year.
The entire first season of Flaked will premiere March 11 on Netflix.