Legendary Pictures revealed that upcoming sequels to Godzilla will pit the King of the Monsters against some familiar foes during its annual panel at San Diego Comic-Con,
Among the classic creatures identified in a video teaser screened during the panel were the winged dinosaur-like monster Rodan, the massive insect Mothra, and the multi-headed dragon Ghidorah. The teaser began with a faux newsreel of sorts, much like the opening of Godzilla, and offered up an ominous tease: “There is still one secret that remains hidden. There are others.”
The video concluded with a sentiment every Godzilla fan will likely find agreement with, as the words “LET THEM FIGHT” appeared on the screen.
While Legendary wouldn’t confirm whether all three of these monsters — and the various others that Edwards hinted at during the panel — would appear in the next installment of the franchise or be spread out over multiple films, it did indicate that the studio is more than happy to begin drawing from Godzilla’s long history for future films. (Fans of size-changing robot Jet Jaguar probably shouldn’t get their hopes up, though.)
It was also confirmed at the panel that Godzilla director Gareth Edwards will return for the sequel, though he won’t begin work on the film until after he’s finished with his recently announced Star Wars spin-off film.