What began as an animated show tailored for young viewers quickly morphed into a cultural phenomenon that managed to attract a dedicated audience of all ages. Adventure Time follows Finn the Human and his adopted brother Jake the Dog on their adventures in the mystical Land of Ooo. The first season of the fantasy series premiered on Cartoon Network in the spring of 2010. It garnered positive reviews and a loyal fanbase, making the now iconic animated series a ratings darling for the network and setting the stage for 10 whole seasons. The show’s folio may be extensive, but its entertaining content is well worth catching up on. Here’s how to watch Adventure Time online.
Created By: Pendleton Ward
Cast: Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio, Hynden Walch, Niki Yang, Tom Kenny, Olivia Olson
Number of Seasons: 10
How to watch Adventure Time online in the U.S.
All episodes of Adventure Time are prepped and ready for streaming on Hulu. The animated series is one among many popular titles in the platform’s extensive streaming library. For unfettered access to Hulu’s library, just sign up for their monthly subscription plan and get a full month free. Once the trial ends, you can cancel for no cost or choose to continue the subscription for just $6 per month. Or you could opt for Hulu’s $12 per month subscription plan instead, which boats ad-free streaming of the same content. In either case, all 10 seasons of Adventure Time are readily available for streaming on Hulu.
HBO Max also houses all 1o seasons of Adventure Time. Like Hulu, the streaming platform offers a free trial period for users to watch shows like Adventure Time and vet the service for themselves. Sadly, unlike
Although the series premiered its finale in 2018, Cartoon Network has since announced four new upcoming specials. Collectively entitled Adventure Time: Distant Lands, they are set to air exclusively on HBO Max in 2020. So, once your binge or rewatch inevitably comes to an end, you will have brand new content to look forward to in no time.