For the most part, Marvel Studios’ original series have featured intriguing and well-designed credit sequences that played at the end of each episode. However, Marvel’s newest Disney+ show, Secret Invasion, has bucked that trend in an unfortunate way. Following a tense introductory scene with Martin Freeman’s Everett K. Ross, the first episode leaps into an opening credits sequence that was created with AI. And it is astonishingly awful.
While speaking with Polygon, Secret Invasion director and executive producer Ali Selim shared his belief that this AI-generated monstrosity served the needs of the show.
“When we reached out to the AI vendors, that was part of it,” said Selim. “It just came right out of the shape-shifting, Skrull world identity, you know? Who did this? Who is this?”
“We would talk to [the AI vendors] about ideas and themes and words, and then the computer would go off and do something,” added Selim. “And then we could change it a little bit by using words, and it would change.”
The social media backlash against these AI opening credits has already begun. Via Deadline, here are some of the most memorable responses.
Ironically, the first episode of Secret Invasion has been largely well-received as a welcome break from the recent Marvel Studios projects that veered too far into comedy. Instead of basking in that response, Marvel has unintentionally put the spotlight on the opening sequence and placed itself in the crosshairs of the anti-AI movement.
The first episode of Secret Invasion is now streaming on Disney+. The remaining five episodes will be released weekly.