We’re sure there are plenty of you out there who are giddy as a schoolgirl that Nickelback’s new album, Here And Now, has officially launched. For the rest of us, however, news that the universe now contains even more Nickelback is a bit like finding out that Creed has sold more records in the US than Jimi Hendrix. And by that, we mean, it’s extremely lame.
Fortunately for all you anti-Nickelbackers, Aux.tv has created “Nickelblock,” a plugin for Firefox and Chrome browsers, which promises to “scrub Nickelback from the Internet. Permanently.” Or, as Aux.tv puts it on their website, “Nickelblock will eliminate all mention of Alberta’s finest swamp heshers from your web browser. That’s it. You’ll never read about Nickelback again.”
Nickelblock was inspired by Free Art & Technology’s “Shaved Bieber” browser plugin, which does basically the same thing, but with content related to Justin Beiber, instead of Nickelback.
To install: