Serious backpackers are trending toward ultralight gear. There has been a revolution within the industry to reduce the weight, bulk, and redundancy of outdoor products. Many enthusiasts have adopted the mindset to carry only as much as you have to. While you can strip down your carry weight, you can’t go without a few basic things, including a backpack and a shelter. An innovative outdoor enthusiast has gone beyond what has ever been done before with his invention of the BivyPack — a backpack that doubles as a small bivy tent.
Inventor Kenny Flannery has traveled around the world since 2007, living exclusively out his BivyPack since 2014, so he’s perfected his craft. The BivyPack is unbelievably light, tipping the scales at just one pound, which is less than the weight of any comparable backpack or bivy out there — and yet serves as a two-in-one package. Because you don’t use both products at the same time when you’re traveling or hiking, it’s a no-brainer solution.
The body of the backpack is constructed of high tenacity hex grid ripstop nylon which is lightweight, durable, and completely waterproof. The frame is crafted of strong carbon fiber that flexes, allowing for airflow between your pack and your back. The backpack includes cushioned shoulder straps, a hip belt, chest straps, and side compression straps. The main compartment cinches closed — eliminating the need for a rain fly. It provides for a total of 40 liters of carrying capacity — enough for travel or an extensive thru-hike.
The backpack can transform into a bivy in less than 30 seconds. The frame of the backpack slides out, bringing the rest of the bivy with it and transforming into poles that allow for space around your head and shoulders. Bug netting protects you from mosquitos and allows you to breathe easy and look up at the stars. During a rainstorm, you can easily clip your rain jacket over the netting to serve as an effective rain fly. The roof of the bivy is constructed of ultralight waterproof/breathable fabric and there is also a three-stage foot vent.
While the delivery of crowdfunded products is not guaranteed, you can pledge $300 for a freestyle BivyPack on the inventor’s Kickstarter campaign page. Final weight and other specs of the delivered BivyPack may change from what’s listed on its website. Although the campaign has already met half of its funding goal, buyers should proceed at their own risk while supporting crowdfunding projects.