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Generark HomePower 2 emergency backup generator can charge EVs and much more

We’ve all felt that sense of panic when the power goes out: The house goes dark, your phone only has 3% battery, and dinner’s stopped bubbling on the stove. If a global pandemic has taught us anything anew, it’s that being prepared for emergencies and the unexpected is crucial. That’s even more the case if you live in an area of the country where hurricanes, earthquakes, or tornadoes could rip your stability apart at any moment.

Generark, which has just launched its HomePower 2 on Kickstarter, is an backup generator meant for emergency situations. This tall power tower gives you myriad ways to connect, including plugging in AC-powered devices (110 volts) and various DC outputs, including USB-A, USB-C, and a car outlet.

Recharging happens by an auto adapter, solar panel, or by plugging it into the wall. And in case you’re thinking, “yeah good luck with wall power if the electricity is off,” the device will store power for up to a year, meaning you’re always ready.

Generark claims its HomePower 2 will give you enough power to last seven days, and that it can handle home appliances and consumer tech — plus critical medical devices, power tools, and more. Remarkably, Generark can also apparently recharge your electric car. The investment in this emergency backup power system gets you a Generark Solar Generator and also includes portable solar panels.

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Generark’s SolarPower 2 offers 50% higher solar power conversion efficiency than traditional solar panels, allowing you to harness and convert the sun’s rays in less time. Paired with the HomePower 2 backup battery power station, you have the ability to power a wide range of home appliances and devices.

While it’s always good to be prepared in an emergency, this device also has plenty of potential for off-grid and RV life. You could power a home office including laptop and printer or use it to hook up the coffee machine, toaster or a small portable heater for the comfiest of camping excursions.

With any Kickstarter or crowdfunding campaign, you need to be aware of the potential risks. This might include products that take longer to ship than the company initially says, aren’t quite as advertised, or don’t show up at all. If you still want to buy in, head to Generark’s Kickstarter page to make your pledge. Generark will retail for $1,799. Shipping is currently set for later this summer.

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Erin Lawrence
Erin has over 20 years of experience as a journalist in the media and news industries, with time both on camera and behind…
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