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Pinterest adds the ability to chat privately about a specific pin

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Currently available on both the mobile and Web version of Pinterest, the visual social network has added a new private messaging feature that allows users to talk about a specific photo with another Pinterest user. Calling the new feature “Conversations,” users will be able to respond directly to another user without having to make a public comment on the original pin. Detailed on the official Pinterest blog, the new feature also allows users to send a message to multiple users (up to 10) in order to have a group conversation.

Opening up a conversation to an entire group of friends could be useful if planning an activity together. For instance, users could agree on all the items that would be served at a group dinner and each person could take responsibility for a specific dish.This would allow for a very visual debate, basically discussing which photo of a dish looks more appetizing. Of course, users could also just reply with text rather than attaching another pin to the entire conversation. This type of community discussion could also be useful for traveling, basically asking someone where a pinned photo was specifically taken in order to visit the location.

Beyond pins, users also have the ability to send user profiles as well as entire pin boards to another user. Brands may also enjoy the new feature, specifically the ability to converse directly and privately with followers as well as converse internally about what should be pinned to the company’s personal boards.

Interestingly, the growth of Pinterest shows no sign of stopping. According to the last Social Media Report from The Pew Research Center, approximately one in five Americans use Pinterest. That’s more popular than either Instagram or Twitter. In addition, women that use the Internet are five times more likely to use Pinterest than men that use the Internet.

Mike Flacy
By day, I'm the content and social media manager for High-Def Digest, Steve's Digicams and The CheckOut on Ben's Bargains…
Bluesky barrels toward 1 million new sign-ups in a day
Bluesky social media app logo.

Social media app Bluesky has picked nearly a million new users just a day after exiting its invitation-only beta and opening to everyone.

In a post on its main rival -- X (formerly Twitter) -- Bluesky shared a chart showing a sudden boost in usage on the app, which can now be downloaded for free for iPhone and Android devices.

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How to make a GIF from a YouTube video
woman sitting and using laptop

Sometimes, whether you're chatting with friends or posting on social media, words just aren't enough -- you need a GIF to fully convey your feelings. If there's a moment from a YouTube video that you want to snip into a GIF, the good news is that you don't need complex software to so it. There are now a bunch of ways to make a GIF from a YouTube video right in your browser.

If you want to use desktop software like Photoshop to make a GIF, then you'll need to download the YouTube video first before you can start making a GIF. However, if you don't want to go through that bother then there are several ways you can make a GIF right in your browser, without the need to download anything. That's ideal if you're working with a low-specced laptop or on a phone, as all the processing to make the GIF is done in the cloud rather than on your machine. With these options you can make quick and fun GIFs from YouTube videos in just a few minutes.
Use for great customization
Step 1: Find the YouTube video that you want to turn into a GIF (perhaps a NASA archive?) and copy its URL.

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I paid Meta to ‘verify’ me — here’s what actually happened
An Instagram profile on an iPhone.

In the fall of 2023 I decided to do a little experiment in the height of the “blue check” hysteria. Twitter had shifted from verifying accounts based (more or less) on merit or importance and instead would let users pay for a blue checkmark. That obviously went (and still goes) badly. Meanwhile, Meta opened its own verification service earlier in the year, called Meta Verified.

Mostly aimed at “creators,” Meta Verified costs $15 a month and helps you “establish your account authenticity and help[s] your community know it’s the real us with a verified badge." It also gives you “proactive account protection” to help fight impersonation by (in part) requiring you to use two-factor authentication. You’ll also get direct account support “from a real person,” and exclusive features like stickers and stars.

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