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Apple iPad

How the Apple iPad Measures Up to Other Devices

Apple iPad Video & Hands On

Gaming Apple’s iPad: How Well Will Video Games Play on the Device?

Apple Builds ‘New Foundation’ with iPad, Experts Say

Inside Apple’s iBooks library: Five publishers on board with the iPad

We look at the five publishers that will populate Apple's iBooks library with books, and some of the specific titles they might bring with them.

iPad Math: iPad 3G Services Will Cost You Less Than the iPhone’s

Apple iPad: What’s Missing?

the five best features of apples new ipad tablet thumbnail aipt

The Five Best Features of Apple’s New iPad Tablet

Hands On Impressions of the Apple iPad

Apple Talks iPad Pricing

iPad! It’s Called the iPad!

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McGraw-Hill CEO Briefly Blabs About Apple Tablet

Our Thoughts On How the Apple iPad Could Fail

is the world ready for tablet pcs thumbnail tablets

Is The World Ready for Tablet PCs?

Apple Tablet May Revolutionize E-Reader Industry

Mobile App Analytics Firm Tracks Down Actual Apple Tablets

Picture the “iSlate”: The Apple Tablet Gets Some Design Details

Apple Tablet to Reinvent Old Media, Says WSJ

Apple Tablet Rumors: Gaming to Be a Focus, PA Semi Chipsets and More

apple itunes cloud coming in 2010 says robertson thumb

Apple iTunes Cloud Coming in 2010, Says Robertson

Apple Negotiating With More Publishers for New Tablet PC

Latest Apple Tablet Rumors: New York Times and iSlate Partnership?

Apple Lawyer Tells Valleywag to “Knock It Off”

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Imagining the Perfect Apple iSlate

Apple Tablet is Equivalent of “iPhone on Steroids”

The Apple Tablet: All We Know About Apple’s “iSlate” Tablet

Apple Hoards LCD and OLED Display Supplies For iSlate

apples tablet will it rule the pc market thumbnail ipad

Apple’s Tablet: Will it Rule the Tablet PC Market?

Digital Trends Talks Apple Tablet

Latest Apple Tablet Rumors and News: iSlate Gets a Webcam

Apple Tablet to Arrive in March or April of 2010

the archos 9 what apples ipad should be thumbnail

The Archos 9: What Apple’s iPad Should Be

Apple’s iPad Tablet Could Slay eBooks and Netbooks

Imagining an Apple Tablet