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Microsoft attempts to lure developers with tool to port Chrome extensions to Edge

Microsoft is attempting to lure developers by creating a tool that will enable developers to quickly and easily port their Chrome extensions over to Edge.
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Chrome 50 beta update gets pushy with new notification improvements

In the latest beta update for Google's Chrome browser, Web designers can now send custom image push notifications and pre-load necessary resources.
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Google's changed the way Chrome tabs appear in Android's multitasking view

Google's changed a key behavior of Chrome on newer versions of Android: Web page tabs and apps no longer coexist in the multitasking menu.
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Google will pay you $100K if you can pull off the ultimate Chrome hack

Google has doubled the top prize in it Chrome bug bounty program to $100,000 to see if hackers can hack a locked down Chromebook.
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Microsoft bleeds IE users to Google, Chrome on top by mid-year

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Google Chrome for iOS loses ‘Do Not Track’ feature

Google seems to have removed 'Do Not Track' in Chrome for iOS -- but the issue stems from Apple's constraints in its WKWebView API for third-party browsers.
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Chrome will soon mark unencrypted sites with a big, red X

Google is pushing encryption to ever corner of the Web by labeling sites without any encryption as unsecured in Chrome, rather than not marking them at all.
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Google's iOS Chrome app is finally on par with Safari

Google updates Chrome for iOS to version 48 with the WKWebView rendering engine. Not only is it much faster, it's crash rate has been reduced by 70 percent.
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Google’s new Brotli algorithm is about to supercharge Web browsing

Google's new Brotli algorithm dramatically speeds up Web compression. It's coming to Chrome and Firefox.
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This brilliant new Chrome extension blocks out everything related to Donald Trump

There is now a Chrome filter that will get Donald Trump out of your version of the Internet.
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Wield your phone as a lightsaber with Google’s latest Chrome experiment

Google has launched a new Chrome Experiment that pairs your phone with your desktop and allows you to wield it as a lightsaber.
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New Chromebox from Asus packs 5th-gen Intel processor for $199

The latest model of the Asus Chromebox will retail for $199 and boasts a significant update to speacs over its predecessor.
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Chrome for Android can now save up to 70 percent of your data with Data Saver mode

Google updated the Data Saver Feature in the Chrome for Android app. It will now save up to 70 percent of data and will load pages much faster.
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The Star Wars spoilers are strong, but the force is strong with this Chrome extension

Like Luke, this chrome extension is an unlikely hero that will protect you from the dark side of the Star Wars universe - spoilers!
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New browser exploit tracks even the most paranoid web users

What if a malicious website owner could turn security features against you? Researcher Yan Zhu shows just how that could happen; try it out yourself.
Google Chrome Battery

Google cuts ‘OK Google’ voice search feature from Chrome because no one was using it

Google is trimming the fat in Chrome. The "OK Google" voice detection search feature was removed from Chrome 46, the latest version of the desktop browser.

Google kills the Chrome browser’s notification center after discovering no one uses it

Google has announced plans to remove the notification center from its Windows, Mac and Linux versions of the Chrome browser.

Google’s OnHub router is actually a Chromebook in disguise

A team of hackers have been able to root the Google OnHub, which means that you might one day be able to load your own custom software onto the router
Google Chrome Battery

This string of 16 characters will crash Chrome

Following news that hacking Android Lollipop is as easy as typing a long string of characters comes word that a string of 16 characters can crash Chrome.
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Google will automatically pause Flash ads and videos in Chrome starting Sept. 1

Google announced that it will automatically pause Flash content in its Chrome browser starting Sept. 1.

How to add, disable, and remove apps in Chrome OS

Chrome OS has a surprising number of apps and extensions available, but they don't act the way that Windows or OS X programs do. Here's a quick guide.
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Your smartphone or laptop battery could be used to track you, researchers say

A new report reveals that websites can identify you from the battery status API, which reveals battery life information about your phone or laptop battery.
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Google links iOS users directly to third-party apps from search and adds auto answer

Google has added new functionality to both its Google App and Chrome App search results.
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Google needs to go back to the drawing board, as Password Alert is hacked in 24 hours

Not even a day after its initial release, security researcher Paul Moore has busted straight through Google's attempt to protect our passwords from phishing
Chrome Beta for Android - Start Screen

Peer into the future of Chrome with the developer version, now available on Android

Android users eager for a peek into the future of Chrome can now download the browsers developer version on the Google Play Store.
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Hilarious Chrome extension adds a Conchita Wurst beard to all faces in your browser

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Google releases Chrome 42 into the stable channel

Google announced the release of Chrome 42 to the stable channel on April 14, and the update is now available on Windows, Mac and Linux.
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Performing better at work? You’re probably using Chrome or Firefox

According to a new study, employees who use non-default browsers stay longer and perform better at work.
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Google rolls out security improvements to help flag up malicious websites

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Get more from your Chromebook with these great productivity web-based apps

Really trying to get the most out of your Chromebook? Check out our list of apps designed to extend functionality, whether you're in the office or at home.

Why securing your browser is the best defense

Decrypt This dives into what makes a web browser safe, and the options, features, and applications you can use to be sure that your data remains secure.
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What browser choice? Microsoft is free again to ignore Internet Explorer rivals in Europe

Microsoft is no longer obligated to display a web browser choice screen in Internet Explorer on the old continent, as a 2009 EU ruling has just expired.
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Yahoo prompts users to “upgrade” to the new Firefox

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Internet Explorer enjoys usage upsurge, Chrome and Firefox remain blips on IE’s radar

Internet Explorer's lead over Chrome and Firefox in desktop browser use is getting bigger and bigger, while Safari remains a distant fourth despite growth.