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Emerging Tech

HOLOPLOT Applications Darkmatter GRID

Who needs headphones? Holoplot can beam audio directly to your ears from afar

Thanks to a technique known as beamforming, it's possible to selectively deliver personalized audio directly to a single listener -- and only that listener.
Marty the Grocery Store Robot

The future of automation: Robots are coming, but they won’t take your job

The emergence of automated robots will likely not be the job killer for humans that many people fear.
mars 2020 perseverance rover

The sound of science: Why audio is the next frontier in Mars exploration

For most of human history, space exploration has been carried out with visual technologies like telescopes. Now, astronomers are turning to microphones
ai religion bot gpt 2 art 4

Read the eerily beautiful ‘synthetic scripture’ of an A.I. that thinks it’s God

Travis DeShazo fed an A.I. algorithm all of the world's major religious texts, and then trained it to spit out biblical-sounding synthetic scripture.
sony airpeak s1 drone news close

Sony’s first drone, the Airpeak S1, rockets to 55 mph in just 3.5 seconds

Sony's first drone accelerates to 55mph in a blink-and-you-will-miss-it 3.5s, making it the fastest accelerating drone in the industry. Shame it costs $9,000.
flow batteries california powerlines

Cailifornia has a blackout problem. Could giant flow batteries be the solution?

In an effort to address the state's summer blackout problem, California energy officials are investing in big, building-size batteries that can power cities

This startup wants to deepfake clone your voice and sell it to the highest bidder

Veritone has the ability to clone your voice using deepfake technology, and it says the potential uses of the tech are virtually endless.
brain with computer text scrolling artificial intelligence

The future of A.I.: 4 big things to watch for in the next few years

Artificial intelligence has progressed in leaps and bounds over the past decade. What's in store for the next one? Here are four things to keep an eye on.

Roving surveillance bots are coming to our cities. Luckily, they’re here to help

By equipping sidewalk-roving delivery bots with additional sensors, urban planners are hoping to capture useful data on the health of their cities
non fungible tokens concept, NFT neon sign-picture on circuit board, crypto art

NFTs have a climate problem, and the solution isn’t coming fast enough

NFTs have an absolutely massive carbon footprint, and while there are many solutions in the works, very few of them are expected to roll out anytime soon.
Generated Venice cities

Algorithmic architecture: Should we let A.I. design buildings for us?

For most of human history, architecture has been a human activity. Now, we can do it with algorithms. But should we?
Hyundai Wearable Exoskeleton, assistive tech

This tech was science fiction 20 years ago. Now it’s reality

Twenty years is an eternity when you're talking about the pace of technological progress. All of these things were considered far-fetched 20 years ago
man speaking into phone

Emotion-sensing A.I. is here, and it could be in your next job interview

With the help of A.I. voice analysis, it's now possible to discern the emotions that a person feels while they speak. The implications of that are huge.
New York World's Fair — Unisphere & Flag Display

World’s Fair 2.0: The mission to resurrect the greatest tech expo of all time

The World's Fair was a technology expo that sparked the world's imagination in a way that no other has. It's time to resurrect it
RoboFab in action

Evolving, self-replicating robots are here — but don’t worry about an uprising

Self-replicating robots are a staple of apocalyptic science fiction movies, but now the idea has made the jump from fiction to reality.
driven by safety checkbac sobrdrive bluethooth ignition interlock drunk driving

We have the tech to curb drunk driving, but invisible forces are holding it back

Statistically, one person dies from drunk driving every 52 minutes in the U.S. -- but it doesn't have to be that way. We have the technology to stop it.
xenobot swarm after 24hrs

Meet the Xenobots: Living, biological machines that could revolutionize robotics

Scientists at Tufts University have created a strange new hybrid biological/mechanical organism that's made of living cells, but operates like a robot
best fpv drone videos

The best FPV drone videos of all time

Check out the some of the best FPV drone videos you’re ever likely to see, created by incredible pilots at the top of their game.
Profile of head on computer chip artificial intelligence.

Language supermodel: How GPT-3 is quietly ushering in the A.I. revolution

GPT-3 is best known as a text-generating system, but now that it's out in the wild, it's being used for far more than just written words.
DAEDALUS Robot on the moon render

This spherical, BB-8 style robot is built to explore lava caves on the moon

Scientists want to explore a cave on the moon to determine if we could build a habitat inside it. How? With a Star Wars-style robot, of course!
Gen Z Women Illustration

Meet Gen Z’s fierce female founders aiming to radically reshape the tech world

Gen Z startup founders are on the rise, and many of them have plans to radically overhaul industries and institutions that haven’t budged for decades.
how long do appliances last rheem water heater 1

How long should your appliances last?

How long do appliances last? Here's how many years to expect for many different devices, along with what you can do to keep your essentials lasting longer.
Arc 20W Solar Charger Kit

The best solar chargers for your phone or tablet

Looking for a way to charge your phone while on the go? Each of these solar chargers can help in a pinch, allowing you to juice your device in the backcountry.
exoskeletons military

Exoskeletons with autopilot: A peek at the near future of wearable robotics

You don't consciously think about moving each leg when you walk, so why should you have to do so while piloting a robotic exoskeleton?
intel sensor backpack for blind visually impaired people jagadish mahendran

Like a wearable guide dog, this backback helps Blind people navigate

We have computers in our pockets and rovers on Mars, yet we still don't have a good alternative to guide dogs and walking sticks. Until now, that is
kin slips nanotech sublingual cannabis strips slips3

Nanotech cannabis is here, and it makes edibles look downright prehistoric

Chemistry and nanotechnology have collided to create a groundbreaking new category for cannabis: Sublingual strips that bypass your digestive system
Porsche Boeing flying taxi

14 awesome flying taxis and cars currently in development

Some of the brightest engineers in the world are racing to make science fiction-esque flying taxis a reality. Here are 14 prototypes we're keeping an eye on.
Profile of head on computer chip artificial intelligence.

Freaky new A.I. scans your brain, then generates faces you’ll find attractive

In an amazing and also somewhat unsettling new A.I. project, researchers were able to read brain waves to generate faces that people find especially attractive
Image Recognition Turtle Recognized as a Rifle

Image-recognition A.I. has a big weakness. This could be the solution

Image-recognition A.I. can be duped fairly easily with adversarial images designed specifically to confuse them, but that might not be the case for much longer.
5g enhances big east tournament rail cam megaltron mxf 00 05 14 still001

5G is enhancing the fan experience at the Big East Men’s Basketball Tournament

Fox Sports will make sports history by bringing viewers of the Big East Basketball Tournament into the future, broadcasting the entire tournament using 5G.
Digit by Agility Robotics

Meet Digit: The ostrich-legged robot that might one day deliver you packages

Digit, the latest and most advanced bipedal robot from Agility Robotics, has made some huge strides (both literally and figuratively) in the past few years
women with byte vivienne ming adjusted

Women with Byte: Vivienne Ming’s plan to solve ‘messy human problems’ with A.I.

As a theoretical neuroscientist and A.I. expert, Dr. Vivienne Ming is on a mission to solve what she calls messy human problems with the help of A.I.
project gucciberg

In the hilarious Project Gucciberg, a deepfaked Gucci Mane reads classic novels

Thanks to the magic of artificial intelligence and deepfakes, you can now listen to rapper Gucci Mane reading a variety of classic novels out loud.
A contact lens from Mojo Vision promises augmented reality

The Future of Vision: Augmented reality contact lenses will make you bionic

Smart contact lenses are finally becoming a reality. And the future of this intriguing technology is nothing like what you might expect.