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Latest by A. Agnello

Sony Europe says that Gran Turismo 6 is coming to PlayStation 3

Where was Gran Turismo 6 at the PlayStation 4 unveiling in New York last week? Revving its engine back on the PlayStation 3 according to one Sony VP.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 goes offline on Nintendo Wii U

Dismal sales have hinted that the few Wii U owners out there aren't interested in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. As of this writing, it's impossible to even get an online match.

Did EA skip Sony’s PlayStation 4 show because it struck a deal for the Xbox 720?

EA was conspicuously absent at the PS4 debut. Sources say it's because EA has a new deal with Microsoft to bring exclusive content to Xbox 720.

Darksiders, Red Faction, and the rest of THQ’s library up for sale in April

THQ's remaining properties, including myriad cult classics like Darksiders, Red Faction, Homeworld, and Destroy All Humans!, will go up for auction in April.
id software co founder tom hall talks about his new game secret spaceship club 2

Id Software co-founder Tom Hall talks about life, death, and the rebirth of Commander Keen

Creator Tom Hall has spent years away from the game industry's public eye and his seminal work Commander Keen, but now he's returned to both with his game Secret Spaceship Club.

Square-Enix hints at a new sequel in the works, with Deus Ex: Human Defiance

A new trademark filing for Deus Ex: Human Defiance suggests that Square-Enix is ready to continue the series in 2013. Is it Deus Ex 4 or a Nintendo Wii U remake?

Is Kojima Productions already hiring for another sequel after Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes?

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is the next entry in Kojima Productions' series, but a swath of new job postings suggests another MGS is in the works.

The Walking Dead game writer teases an expansion from Telltale Games before Season 2

Telltale Games is hinting that it may make a small expansion to tide fans over the long wait before it finished The Walking Dead Season 2 video game.

After a decade of waiting, is Beyond Good & Evil 2 coming to Nintendo Wii U later this year?

Ubisoft saysBeyond Good & Evil 2 is still coming, and a designer's resume says it may come to Nintendo Wii U.

Sony may mimic Xbox Live with tiered memberships for PS4 services

Gaikai game library streaming, instant game video uploading, the ability to spectate in friends' games are just some of the services proposed for PlayStation 4. How will Sony charge for them?

BioShock for the Vita remains firmly in limbo due to negotiation gridlock

Nearly two years after Ken Levine announced it at E3 2011, BioShock PS Vita still isn't in development, with Irrational waiting on Sony and 2K Games to make a deal.

Diablo 3 on PS3 and PS4 won’t connect to Blizzard’s, won’t need to be always connected

Blizzard surprises by announcing that Diablo 3 won't connect to network on PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4, ruling out cross-platform play.

Square-Enix says no free-to-play for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Square-Enix won't buckle to the free-to-play MMO trends. When Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn releases later this year, it will come with a monthly subscription fee.

Super Meat Boy creators follow-up allows you to live out your crazy cat lady fantasies

Team Meat is turning its eye to a style of game less about reflexes and more about planning. Hilarious planning. Introducing Mew-genics, the first cat lady sim.

Corvo returns, according to leaked Dishonored DLC details

Bethesda is going to offer players another slice of adventure with Corvo in the first story-based Dishonored DLC according to a leaked list of PS3 trophies.

Jetsetter: Famed game designer Michel Ancel may leave Ubisoft over Rayman Legends delay

The big story of this week's Jetsetter is that famed French developer Michel Ancel may leave Ubisoft after more than 20 years because of the Rayman Legends delay.

NIS America keeps the PS 3 alive with two new exclusive RPGs

NIS America is keeping the blood flowing through the PS3 with two exclusive role-playing games in 2013, 'Time and Eterniey' and 'The Guided Fate Paradox.'
place your bets the good money says xbox 720 will debut in april 360 ring of light 716 90 650x0

Place Your Bets: The smart money says Xbox 720 will debut in April

Based on the spring game release schedule and Microsoft's past history announcing new consoles, all signs point to an April coming out party for Xbox 720.

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes may not release due to “risky” themes

Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid series is no stranger to controversy but Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes may be so risque that it won't see release.
unity technologies co founder goes indie to make his own games the drowning

Unity Technologies co-founder goes indie to make his own games

In a moment when Unity Technologies is ascending, though, it's losing a key creator in Nicholas Francis who is leaving to make his own games.

Army of Two The Devil’s Cartel preview: On shooters and their relationship to fast food chains

Army of Two The Devil's Cartel drops the self-seriousness of past entries opting for some light humor, but it doesn't elevate the game above fast food status.

BioWare gives Commander Shepard a rest with Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC

In 2012, Electronic Arts and BioWare set the gaming industry ablaze with its divisive Mass Effect 3 story. Now it puts a final cap on that tale with Mass Effect 3: Citadel.
Crysis 3 Review

Crysis 3 review: Crytek’s shooter is an expertly made toy soldier with no soul

As satisfying as it is to play through Crysis 3's dystopian shoot outs, it's hard not to wish it were something more. Crysis 3 gives you plenty to do, but never a good reason why.

Bohemia Interactive embraces the Valve way, making ArmA 3 a Steam-only release

When Bohemia Interactice's military simulator ArmA 3 finally releases later this year, it will only be playable through Valve's gaming network Steam.

Iconic Sega Dreamcast game designer Kenji Eno dies at age 42

Kenji Eno, the designer of bizarre, experimental mid-'90s adventure games D and Enemy Zero for the Sega Saturn, died of heart failure at the age of 42.
new tech is great but how much will it cost to make a playstation 4 game olympus digital camera

New tech is great but how much will it cost to make a PlayStation 4 game?

With the introduction of the PlayStation 4, the video game industry is waiting to see how much costs will grow, but Sony's developers say not to worry.

Disney and Square tap an unusual studio to bring Kingdom Hearts free-to-play to PCs

The new free-to-play entry in the long-running Kingdom Hearts series, Kingdom Hearts X[chi], is in the hands of peculiar but talented developer Success Corporation.

As Transformers and Bond sales sink, Activision backs away from licensed games

With the sales of licensed console games like Transfomers, James Bond, and Spider-man slipping, Acitvision Blizzard is backing away from its licensed game business.

How GungHo could afford to buy Grasshopper thanks to a single mobile game

GungHo Online Entertainment's iOS and Android game Puzzles & Dragons is making the company more than $2 million every day, providing funds for risky business ventures like acquiring Grasshopper Manufacture.

Obsidian’s canceled Aliens RPG for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 emerges online

Obsidian Entertainment's Aliens RPG was canceled in 2009 when it was said to be complete. New video of the game proves that Sega killed what appears to be a finished game.

Sony explains the long, long overdue PS Vita price drop

SCEJ president Hiroshi Kawano explains the reasons that the handheld console has failed to find an audience.

Crackdown creator Ruffian Games goes independent with Tribal Towers

Cince opening in 2008, Ruffian Games has never worked on its own project. Now it's making Tribal Towers, its first self-funded project. That's bad news for Crackdown fans.

Microsoft threatens to ban Xbox Live members after ‘Gears of War: Judgment’ leaks online

Microsoft has a tough time keeping its biggest games from slipping out the door early. Like Halo 4 in fall 2012, 'Gears of War: Judgment' has leaked ahead of its release.