Nintendo turns around a sequel to the 26 million selling New Super Mario Bros. in record time, reinstating a style of play to the series not seen in twenty years.
Marketing firm lets loose details on Rayman Origins 2, but an early look at the game reveals a troubling shift away from the original's delightful surreality.
Patrick Hudson talks why it's already time for a sequel to last year's award-winning strategy game, the clamor for co-op, and making changes after leaving behind a legendary studio.
Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP, winner of nearly every independent video game award in 2011, leaves the touch screen world behind and journeys to PC, so says a leaked registration document.
Work smarter, not harder: Pirate Bay decides to bypass the numerous legal battles associated with housing its servers, and boldly goes where few torrent sites have gone before.