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Latest by Bruce Brown


Exclusive: Former employee details the sudden collapse of car-sharing startup FlightCar

Airport car-sharing service FlightCar is no more. Failing to rebound from negative customer reviews, the company closed suddenly, surprising employees.
billion dollar superyacht has helipad and concert venue heesen yachts 5  with 357 square metres of deck space in total theres

This billion dollar superyacht can host its own concert

As super yachts go, Heesen's Galactica Super Nova is one of the coolest. In addition to an 18-meter infinity pool, it has an outdoor cinema deck.

Ford wants to send autonomous cars to driver’s ed

Just racking up miles in autonomous mode isn't enough, says Ford Innovation director. Standards are needed to certify virtual drivers.
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Australian Tesla Town project is the real deal, houses for sale

An Australian development designed for maximum ecological sustainability includes solar panels and Tesla PowerWalls in every home.
Ninja Standing Desk

Standing desks and productivity gain? Um, maybe not so much

Alternating sitting and standing at your desk may have health benefits, but any productivity increase will likely be marginal at best.

Dieselgate redux – regulators nix VW 3.0L diesel repair plan

Volkswagen's plan to repair 85,000 U.S. 3.0L diesel cars has been rejected by California's Air Resources Board. The parties are still in talks.
netflix adds picture in ipad sign

You won’t go to jail for sharing your Netflix password — just don’t sell it

Despite a recent court ruling that said password sharing is illegal, Netflix says members can use their passwords however they please. Just don't sell them.
ikea blocks hide and seek game news

Four dresser designs that might have prevented the 29-million-unit Ikea recall

As part of a design challenge, Segal Design Institute engineering students devised four dressers that won't tip when children try to climb the drawers.
tesla model s autopilot expected update crash death

Consumer Reports joins in asking Tesla to turn off Autopilot, Tesla still says no

Six days after a similar request by Consumer Watchdog, Consumer Reports strongly suggested Tesla disable Autosteer and Autopilot. Once again, Tesla refused.
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Airbnb and other short term rental websites face possible FTC scrutiny

Concerned about housing shortages and rising housing costs, three US Senators have requested the FTC look into short-term rental websites.
Tesla Model 3

It’s ‘pencil down’ day on the Tesla Model 3, according to Musk

The Tesla Model 3 preliminary engineering design phase is due to end this week, as per CEO Elon Musk's statement 6 weeks ago.
tesla model s autopilot expected update crash death

Tesla owners, check your insurance policy — you may be paying too much

A Tesla owner found that his auto insurance premium was too high because the car's VIN incorrectly indicated it had Ludicrous Mode.
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If you’re not ready to ‘invent the internet,’ don’t look for a job at DARPA

To ensure a constant workforce of big thinking, impossible task seeking employees, DARPA gives every new hire a job expiration date, usually in four years.
Volvo XC90 Drive Me

Volvo draws a clear line in the sand on autonomous vehicles

Volvo is adamant that its future autonomous cars will let drivers take control when they want but won't require driver attention in autonomous mode.
atieva edna tesla ferrari drag race vlcsnap 2016 07 14 10h44m18s181

Watch an electric van smoke a Tesla and a Ferrari in a drag race

In a just-for-fun drag race, Atieva's 900 horsepower Edna all-electric van smoked a Tesla Model S and an unidentified model Ferrari.
multitasking millennials productivity cost job turnovers millennial manifesto feat

Path to higher productivity is focus, not multitasking, study finds

A Bryan College report on multitasking, especially among millennials, points to huge costs in lost productivity plus a high cost in job turnovers.
georgia tech durus robot swagger darpa amber labs got

Robot got swagger — human-like stride is more natural and saves energy, too

Independent robot movement usually looks hulking and plodding. Not so with Georgia Tech AMBER Lab's swaggering DURUS robot.
drones mandms prairie dogs ferrets 47756821  series at the walk with girl

To save endangered ferrets, scientists are using drones that shoot M&Ms at prairie dogs

A US Fish and Wildlife Service program to save endangered black-footed ferrets entails drones, vaccine-laced peanut butter-smeared M&Ms, and prairie dogs.
uber relatient ride to health and

Uber, Relatient team to get you to your doc via Ride to Health program

Rideshare giant Uber is teaming with Relatient medical patient relationship service to provide transportation to medical appointments.
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Can’t promise bells, but Uber will deliver free ice cream on demand this Friday

Even if Uber ride-sharing isn't in your city you might want to check, because for four hours on Friday the 15th you can get free ice cream on demand.
tesla modelx 60d launch model x promo shot 3 2 900x610

In a price-reducing move, Tesla announces the 60kWh Model X 60D

In a slightly down-market targeting move, Tesla launches $74,000 Model X 60D with a 60kWh battery, software upgradable to 75kWh for $9,000.
fbi iris scan pilot ongoing irisscanfbi feat

Who’s watching the watchers? FBI pilot iris scanning project seemingly has no end

Privacy and accountability concerns have been raised about an FBI iris scanning pilot project that started in 2013 to test technology but is still ongoing.
uber settles driver background check case man driving in car the city ride share lyft getaround zipcar

Commuting by Uber in New York City cheaper than the subway this summer

A limited time promotion with Gilt City lets Manhattan commuters ride to and from work for as little as $1.98 per trip with an UberPool Commute Card.
tesla model s autopilot expected update crash death

Tesla staff members score lowest on car salesroom test — by design

Compared to traditional car sales personnel, Tesla showroom Product Specialists are more like "museum curators," just as CEO Elon Musk wants them to behave.

Not all jobs equally threatened by robotics in next decade — how about yours?

A McKinsey & Company report predicts change in most jobs due to automation during the next decade. In some cases the least skilled jobs may be safest.
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Get more than your kicks on Route 66 — get your energy there, too

Get your energy on Route 66. That may not be a great song title, but could describe new technology to be tested on the famed highway later this year.
Elon Musk

Top Secret Tesla Masterplan, part 2 is expected this week

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter this weekend that part 2 of the Tesla Motors 'Secret Master Plan' will be published soon, possibly this week.
googles self driving just car got pulled over for too slow google 4

Google Self-Driving Car Project could become a company under Alphabet

With recent hirings of key personnel the Google Self-Driving Car Project may be positioning to become an independent company in the Alphabet group.
proterra electric bus fast recharge via sa charger reduced 640x424

Fast charging system for electric buses — quicker than filling a tank

U.S. electric bus manufacturer Proterra designs a fast-charging system that's quicker than filling a diesel tank. Proterra is open sourcing the patents.
2015 S65 AMG Coupe

No surprises as first driver-assistance tests begin — cars with more tech did better

The first objective third-party autonomous car test shows that cars with more advanced driver assistance score better, as expected.
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If you stay in hotels often enough you may never need to pay for Uber again

Uber has partnered with the Kaligo hotel booking service so you can earn free Uber rides with every hotel stay booked through
multitasking hurts productivity exhausted 14378930  businessman stressed by too many tasks

Multitasking backfires, leads to less, not more productivity, study finds

Becoming habituated to multitasking ends up leaving you less productive, exhausted, and maybe a little neurotic. It's much better to focus on one task.
Tesla Model 3

Punishing success?: California may change its zero-emissions rules midstream

Facing unexpected success with its program of Zero Emission Vehicle marketshare proportions and credits, California is considering changing midstream.
car thieves use laptops hackers theft in progress

A thief can hack a car security system in minutes with a laptop

In spite of advances in smart key security systems for vehicles, car thieves are using laptop computers to defeat the systems and steal the cars.