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Latest by J. Van Camp

Activision CEO: Call of Duty is as popular as Facebook, texting

Steve Jobs iPad

Rumor: iPad 2 to have a flat back and wide-range speaker?

Rumor time. A Japanese blog has uncovered what may be specs and release info for the next generation iPad.

Scientific proof why waiting in line is so frustrating

Motorola tablet likely named ‘Xoom’

A list of Android Gingerbread tips & tricks from Google

Verizon to make Android 4G announcement at CES

Motorola teases new tablet, calls iPad a “giant iPhone”

AOL buys four days after launch

FCC to enact net neutrality regulation

Hulu Plus Plus? Video site forgoes IPO, may add more pay services

Zuckerberg travels to China, learns Mandarin

Cricket introduces $55 unlimited music plan

Google tries to delay debut of TVs

Facebook revenue to reach $2 billion this year

After spending millions on ads, Blockbuster loses 28 day advantage

Bing and Blekko integrate Facebook ‘Likes’ and mobile check-ins

IBM lists five tech innovations coming in the next five years

lg optimus 2x the first dual core smartphone thumb

LG Optimus 2X, the first dual-core smartphone

Nokia N8

Nokia N8 Review

Verizon may only net Apple 2.5 million more iPhone sales

Mark Zuckerberg is Person of the Year; Facebook employees love their jobs

Chevy Volt drives into dealerships this week

Check out this stunning Facebook world map

Motorola Honeycomb tablet pics and specs

Quake Arena Arcade coming to Xbox Live on Dec. 15

Gawker hacked, 1.5 million accounts compromised

Xbox outsells Wii in record November, but not by much

European operators want App makers to help pay for data

E-reader sales to jump 68 percent in 2011, says Gartner

Japanese spacecraft misses target, fails to orbit Venus

Facebook and Twitter not removing WikiLeaks, yet

Google shows early Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) tablet

Check out the new Lara Croft

Man claims Droid 2 exploded in his ear