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Latest by Luke Dormehl

festo underwater cuttlefish robot 180523 messedisplay bionicfinwave 447 13x18 rgb

Festo’s cuttlefish-inspired robot looks like it escaped an alien aquarium

Built by pioneering German automation company Festo, this cuttlefish-inspired robot may look weird, but it's capable of some pretty impressive feats. It's able to maneuver through the water by undulating its fins. In the real world, the robot could be used for underwater inspection.
lifedoor fire protection device

Smart door attachment slows house fires with devilishly simple technique

Question: What smart home gadget do you hope you'll never have to use? Answer: The one which only works in the event that a fire is detected in your house. Co-created by a professional firefighter, LifeDoor is just such a device. Here's how it works, and why you may need one.
space champagne zero gravity anti grav

‘Zero gravity’ champagne bottle lets you celebrate in outer space

What kind of champagne do astronauts pop on special occasions? No, it's not the setup for a joke, but the question answered by respected French champagne maker Mumm International with its new champagne, which is designed to be consumed in zero gravity. Coming soon to a space station near you.
sensat drone visible line of sight

U.K. drone company sets flying record that could be a big boost for autonomy

For drones to be as useful as they can be, it is crucial that they are able to fly beyond the visible line of sight of their pilot. U.K. company SenSat this week set a new record, flying 7.5 miles using a fixed-wing drone under these conditions. Here's why that is so important.
soccer augmented reality algorithm hologramsoccer

This algorithm turns World Cup games into 3D augmented reality

Researchers from the University of Washington created a way to get you closer to your favorite sports action: An algorithm which can turn 2D live-action televised soccer into a 3D augmented reality re-creation. Here's how it works, and how they've demonstrated it so far.
cold plasma patch heals wounds gettyimages 509425408

Move over, antibiotics! Cold plasma could be the next great way to treat wounds

A German company called Coldplasmatech has created a cold plasma patch, which uses ions and UV radiation to treat infections in chronic wounds as an alternative to the application of antibiotics. Think of it like Star Trek's dermal regenerator technology brought to life. Here's how it works.
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The Titan underwater drone promises to go deeper than its rivals

Think that all drones are destined to be in the sky? Titan is a new underwater drone which can dive to depths of up to 150 meters below the waves. It can document this stunning deep underwater world courtesy of a 4K camera, while maneuvering about with six thrusters. Here's how you can get one.
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Color-changing LED stools let you know if you’re sitting with bad posture

German researchers at Fraunhofer have developed special color-changing LED stools which monitor your weight distribution to let you know if you're sitting with bad posture. Heck, you can even use them to play movement-controlled classic arcade games, as a way to make exercise fun!
teenage bitcoin millionaire doc oc suit wood

Why a 19-year-old Bitcoin millionaire built a working Dr. Octopus suit

What would you do if you were a 19-year-old kid with $3.3 million? There are few people more equipped to answer that than teenaged bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman. His answer? You use some of that cash to build a Doctor Octopus-style exosuit and try and shake up the education system.
apple orchard pollinated drones dsc 9122

To give bees a break, farmers pollinated an apple orchard using drones

A New York orchard recently called in local drone startup Dropcopter and its pollen-spreading UAVs to perform the world’s first apple orchard pollination by drone. Tools like this could help keep farm costs down while helping with pollination at a time bee populations are declining.
9 awesomely weird drone projects beneath getty feat

9 bizarre drones, from web slingers to lake hoppers

While most people know what to expect from a drone in 2018, there are still plenty of unusual projects taking place in research labs and R&D centers that are making us question everything we know about UAVs. Here are 9 of the weirdest, coolest and most unusual drones today.
starship technologies 25m delivery robots

Starship Technologies gets the cash to make its delivery robot dream a reality

Drone delivery company Starship Technologies has raised an additional $25 million with the goal of expanding its fast-growing fleet of six-wheeled delivery robots. Next year, it aims to have more than 1,000 of them in action at campuses and neighborhoods around the world.
ai norman mit project

MIT trained an A.I. using morbid Reddit captions, and it became a psychopath

Named after Psycho’s Norman Bates, MIT's new Norman project is billed as the world’s first psychopath A.I. Shown randomly generated inkblot tests, it offers disturbing interpretations like 'man gets pulled into dough machine.' And they've got a good reason for doing it.
face tracking ferrofluid table proteus6

Robot-controlled table lets you manipulate liquid rocket fuel with your face

We love ferrofluid. We love robots. And we love amazing A.I. tech like face tracking. This amazing robotic table, which uses face tracking to manipulate liquid rocket fuel pixels, is therefore right up our alley. Check it out in all its amazing beauty here. We want one badly.
robot really good at hugs screen shot 2018 06 07 19 16 12

Forget Roomba, your most important house robot could be the one that hugs you

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany are busy developing a robot whose only mission is to give you really, really good hugs. Suddenly our vacuum-cleaning Roomba no longer seems destined to remain our favorite household robot.
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Like it or not, camera-equipped police drones will soon patrol the skies

Announced this week, world leading drone company DJI and connected law enforcement company Axon has teamed up to sell DJI drones to law enforcement agencies around the globe. From search and rescue missions to gathering evidence, here's how they could transform law enforcement.
bescent scent alarm clock sensorwake trio  lifestyle images 5

Seaside or pine forest? This alarm clock wakes you to the scent of your choice

Imagine waking up in the morning to the smell of fresh coffee or a pine forest. That is something that French startup Bescent has created with a new alarm clock which utilizes scents for an altogether more pleasant wake-up experience. Here's how you can get your hands on one.
wireless charging implant 125 feet screen shot 2018 06 at 18 30 59

MIT can charge implants with external wireless power from 125 feet away

Smart implants designed for monitoring conditions in the body or delivering drug doses are the future of medicine. Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have developed a way to wirelessly communicate with these implants even when they're deep inside the human body.

U.S. Army algorithm tells you how much coffee to drink to remain alert

Researchers for the U.S. Army have developed a smart algorithm that can work out when and how much coffee is needed to keep people alert when suffering the effects of extreme sleep loss. The algorithm was able to increase alertness by up to 65 percent. Here's why that matters.
inmotion hovershoes x1

InMotion’s new Hovershoes X1 are like motorized, self-balancing rollerblades

If hoverboards are essentially motorized self-balancing skateboards, then InMotion’s brand-new Hovershoes X1 are motorized self-balancing rollerblades -- or hoverboards for each foot. They promise to be both more fun and safer than their regular hoverboard counterparts.
morphing drone fits through tight spaces quad

This bird-inspired morphing drone can slim down to fit through tight spaces

French researchers have developed a bird-inspired morphing drone that's able to rotate its arms to reduce its wingspan so that it can fly through some impressively small gaps. The results could make it better suited for inspection tasks in cluttered indoor environments.
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Meet the man fighting plastic pollution with a fleet of A.I.-powered camera drones

Every year, up to 13 million metric tons of waste plastics wind up in the world's oceans. The Plastic Tide is a nonprofit which is using machine learning and drone technology to help. Best of all? They're calling on you to help -- and all they want is a bit of your time.
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Parkinson’s is hard to detect early, but this ingenious mobile app can help

Progressive neurodegenerative brain disorder Parkinson’s disease can be tough to spot early on. That’s something an EU-funded app called i-Prognosis wants to change. It works by using the various sensors found in modern mobile devices and some amazing insights from machine learning.
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Addicted to sugar? Neuroscientists could soon reprogram your brain to hate it

Imagine if you could reprogram your brain to no longer crave sugar? That’s a possibility hinted at by research from Columbia University. They've found a way to potentially reprogram the brain to respond differently to various tastes. That might conceivably be used to help people with a range of eating disorders.
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

It’s not Terminator time yet, but robots with living muscle tissue are on the way

So it's not quite the cyborg from the Terminator movies just yet, but researchers from Japan have demonstrated a new robot finger gripper that uses lab-grown muscles to move things around. Give it a few years, a leather jacket and an Austrian accent, and we'll be running for our lives!
facebook was always too busy selling ads to care about your data cambridge analytica breach

7 of the biggest scandals in tech history

The tech industry isn't immune to controversy or scandal. But what are the biggest scandals to have shaped the history of high tech as we know it? While it's tough to narrow it down to just a shortlist, here are seven of the most infamous -- from massive hacks to government abuse.
inflatable zen float tank

Sensory deprivation float tanks can cost a fortune, but this one is different

Want a bit of sensory deprivation, but deprived of tons of cash? No problem. This Kickstarter inflatable flotation tank will not only fit in the average apartment, it also won't cost you your life savings to buy. After all, average Joes and Janes need a bit of zen relaxation, too!
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A new laser eye surgery fixes your vision without any gnarly eyeball slicing

Researchers at Columbia University have developed a new noninvasive laser surgery which could permanently correct vision, minus any of the less pleasant-sounding aspects of regular laser surgery. Here's how it works -- and how long you'll be waiting until you can try it.
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Freakishly accurate A.I. security system identifies you based on your footsteps

Researchers from the U.K. and Spain have developed a new A.I. biometric verification method which can accurately identify individuals based entirely on how they walk across a pressure pad on the floor. The technology could one day be usefully employed in places like airports.
ab dynamics self driving bike

We may be ready for autonomous cars, but how about self-driving bikes?

A U.K.-based company, AB Dynamics, has created a self-driving motorbike. The reason? To help simulate real world driving conditions on test tracks which could help make future autonomous or semi-autonomous cars smarter. Check it out in all its amazing self-balancing glory.
saccade vr infinite walking brain trick

Clever new method solves VR’s ‘infinite walking’ problem by tricking your brain

By exploiting an involuntary eye movement that humans use to orient themselves in physical space, VR researchers from Stony Brook University, Nvidia and Adobe have found a way to make infinite walking possible in virtual reality. It sounds impossible, but here's how it works.
liquid crystals under the microscope screen shot 2018 05 31 at 18 35 49

Watching liquid crystals undulate under a microscope will melt your brain

Liquid crystals are all kinds of awesome. Want some proof? This trippy music video for musician Max Cooper uses footage shot by scientist and engineer Ben Outram, showing liquid crystals under the microscope. Check this remarkable footage out in all its mind-bending, hallucinogenic glory here.
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This desktop ornament tracks the value of cryptocurrency using a … seesaw?

Want a more entertaining way to track currencies? The Market is a kinetic smart sculpture ornament of a bull and a bear on a seesaw, which tilts in real-time to reflect actual day-over-day changes in capital markets. It's totally steampunk, and you can pre-order it right now.
spyce restaurant boston robots robotic kitchen interior photo

In Boston’s newest restaurant, all the chefs are robots

Four recent MIT graduates just launched a new fast-food restaurant in Boston called Spyce. Its hook? The fact that all the meals are prepared to order by a kitchen full of robots. Not only does this add novelty, but the automation also keeps the food prices down to $7.50 a meal.